Photo | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

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Amber Helsel

Stories this photo appears in:

Tease photo Editor's Note

EDITOR'S NOTE: Jackson Lessons Learned As I Say Goodbye

"As of this publication, I must say my goodbye as I leave to start a new job at Teen Health Mississippi. Thank you, Jackson. And thanks to all of my …

Tease photo Editor's Note

EDITOR'S NOTE: Finding Belonging Amid ICE Raids and Hatefulness

"Amid the horrible news that kept breaking around the ICE raids, there was some hope, as always. Yes, there was a lot of deserved condemnation of what was happening, but …

Tease photo City & County

EDITOR'S NOTE: Onward and Upward in Downtown Jackson

To have a strong city, we have to have a strong downtown, and right now, we just don't. But that's not the end of the story.

Tease photo Editor's Note

EDITOR'S NOTE: Set an Example for the Next Generation

As women, we need to band together to make sure we set good examples for the younger generation. We need to show them that it's OK to be whatever kind …

Tease photo City & County

EDITOR'S NOTE: Moving Forward in #TheNext200

Previous iterations of TEDxJackson commemorated areas such as Mississippi's space program and the state's bicentennial, but instead of looking at the last 200 years, this year's TEDx focused on the …

Tease photo City & County

EDITOR'S NOTE: Doing Good Things in JXN

In a 2008 study, researchers at Harvard University found that doing good deeds raises a person's level of happiness. Other studies have shown that happiness can create a positive feedback …

Tease photo City & County

EDITOR'S NOTE: Making the Most of Jackson

If you look at a photo of downtown Jackson from 50 years ago, the neighborhood today is very different. Many of the businesses that used to be there are now …

Tease photo City & County

EDITOR'S NOTE: Pride, from Detroit to Jackson

Jackson needs people who are willing to do the hard work—to attend city council meetings to see what's happening, to push back when the city's government isn't sticking to their …

Tease photo Editor's Note

EDITOR'S NOTE: Move ... Because Your Life Depends On It

Running is an intense exercise, so while it may be amazing for some people, it may be tough for others. But find a thing you can do, and do it.

Tease photo Editor's Note

EDITOR'S NOTE: Midterm Madness Comes to Mississippi

Editor-in-Chief Donna Ladd and Publisher Todd Stauffer started Best of Jackson almost 16 years ago to uplift the city because back then it was in a bad place, much worse …

Tease photo City & County

EDITOR'S NOTE: Jackson, Get Your Community Together

Sure, if you come from a bigger city, there may be less to do here in Jackson, but you have many options, even if it's just going to the Mississippi …

Tease photo Art

EDITOR'S NOTE: Simple Ideas for Effecting Change

A study from the Journal of the American Art Therapy Association shows that 45 minutes of visual art-making can lower stress levels in adults, and other studies show that for …

Tease photo Editor's Note

EDITOR'S NOTE: All Those Crazy Jackson Ideas

When Mississippi Arts Commission Executive Director Malcolm White first moved to Jackson in 1979, he said it was a fairly straight-laced city where people went to work, church, school and …

Tease photo Civil Rights

EDITOR'S NOTE: Creatives All In It Together

Artists need community. We need other people who will meet with us face to face, and give us helpful advice and tips, offer constructive criticism or answer our questions.

Tease photo City & County

EDITOR'S NOTE: Fresh Eyes on the Capital City

When dancers in the USA International Ballet Competition refer to the competition in Jackson (which, by the way, is the only one of its kind in the U.S.), they simply …

Tease photo Editor's Note

EDITOR'S NOTE: #TIMESUP for Sexual Harassment

The women who wore black at the Golden Globes and called men out are right. It's time we stopped being OK with gender inequality and sexual harassment, and those micro-aggressions …

Tease photo Editor's Note

EDITOR'S NOTE: Moving On from the Dumpster Fire of 2017

Between social media, podcasts, the radio and more, it's really hard to miss the news right now. Really, really hard.

Tease photo Civil Rights

OPINION: Creating a Movement

I almost majored in history during college, but since my memory for facts and dates has always been a little shoddy, I decided not to go that route. I ended …

Tease photo Editor's Note

EDITOR'S NOTE: Lessons in Humility and Kindness

Cats and kids have to be dependent on other people. But as children get older, they can begin to take care of themselves, though there are still certain things they …

Tease photo Domestic Violence

EDITOR'S NOTE: One Small, Honest Voice After #MeToo

Maybe you weren't bullied, but as a woman, you've probably been told to make yourself smaller and to fit the mold society created for you.

Tease photo City & County

Fighting the Good Fight for Jackson

Jackson is filled with locally owned businesses and restaurants. A lot of people in outer counties want to see the city fail. They want to move the capital away from …

Tease photo Editor's Note

Reflections in a Dark, Watery World

Unplugging doesn't actually require you to do something crazy like get in a float tank. It could be something as simple as choosing to put your phone up when you …

Tease photo Editor's Note

Grow Roots, Wings Where You’re Planted

Once upon a time, I was one of the young people who wanted to get out of this place. In early high school, I imagined that after college, I would …

Tease photo Business

Shop, Give, Live Local

Shopping local isn't something I necessarily thought about until I came to work at the Jackson Free Press, which puts great emphasis on helping locally owned businesses.


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