Sen. John Horhn, D-Jackson, officially announced his candidacy for mayor this morning, outlining a platform addressing Jackson's infrastructure and crime. Photo by Imani Khayyam.
There's never a slow news week in Jackson, Miss., and last week was no exception. Here are the local stories JFP reporters brought you in case you missed them:
- A well-known and nationally recognized political operative that Mayor Tony Yarber refers to as a "kingmaker," Mitzi Bickers, has been mentioned in connection to a federal bribery investigation into the Atlanta, Ga., municipal government.
- Mississippians would be able to vote before Election Day and register online if legislation the House Apportionment and Elections Committee passed this week stays alive long enough to become law.
- Mississippi's hate-crimes law would also cover law enforcement officers, firefighters and emergency medical technicians who are targeted because of their jobs if Senate Bill 2469 becomes law.
- Rep. Robert Foster, R-DeSoto, wants to bid out space in the fourth-floor press room at the state Capitol to media outlets, even after legislative leaders issued a letter instructing media not to pay rent for the space last November.
- Whether Downtown Jackson Partners is public or private, governmental or nonprofit, is a pivotal issue in the case against indicted DJP President Ben Allen.
- Mississippi isn't EdBuild's first state rodeo. Back in early 2015, EdBuild met with officials in Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal's office, who campaigned for re-election on the idea of re-evaluating school funding in his state.
- Jackson legislators are working with city leaders to bridge the gap between needed infrastructure improvements totaling over $1 billion, and the City's tight budget.
- Sen. John Horhn, D-Jackson, officially announced his candidacy for mayor last week, outlining a platform addressing Jackson's infrastructure and crime.
- The Jackson City Council approves James Hendrix, a local blogger and controversial personality known for his Jackson Jambalaya website, to a spot on the Jackson Zoo's board of directors.
- Hundreds of women, men and children protested in downtown Jackson last Saturday in a sister event to the Women's March on Washington, D.C., in support of women's rights.
Remember: Check the JFP Events planner for everything to do in the Jackson metro area. You can also add your own events (or send them to [email protected])! See
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