Big Ideas: Getting Jacksonians into City Parks | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

Big Ideas: Getting Jacksonians into City Parks

Lurny D’s food truck is one new business helping reinvigorate interest in Jackson parks.

Lurny D’s food truck is one new business helping reinvigorate interest in Jackson parks. Photo by Trip Burns

Mayor Chokwe Lumumba's Parks and Rec Transition Team compiled the following suggestions to get more residents into Jackson Parks and Recreation Department (PRD) facilities throughout the city:

• Bring arts into parks: museums, musical performances, movie screenings, art installations, theater, poetry, spoken word.

• Hold events in city parks, including festivals, cook-out competitions, fashion shows, people's assemblies by ward, voter registration drives and education.

• Make infrastructure improvements.

• Work with neighborhood groups to beautify local parks.

• Allow cafes, diners and food trucks to local inside PRD facilities.

• Make facilities compliant with Americans with Disabilities Act

• Move city service centers into facilities.

• Create more walking and biking trails.

• Add water parks and water features.

• Install shaded seating.

• Promote PRD facilities through social media, schools, retirement communities and through PSAs in local media.

• Make it easier to get insurance for events using PRD facilities.

• Add more park ranger patrols for security.

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