Amid Investigation, DOJ Drops Sentence Appeal For Siegelman | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

Amid Investigation, DOJ Drops Sentence Appeal For Siegelman

Don Siegelman's attorney, Vince Kilborn

Don Siegelman's attorney, Vince Kilborn Photo by Courtesy Vince Kilborn

The U.S. Department of Justice filed a motion this week with the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals asking that their earlier appeals of former Alabama Gov. Don Siegelman's sentences be dropped. Prosecutors had appealed for a 30-year prison sentence for Siegelman, who was serving a seven-year sentence for corruption before the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals released him on bond pending his appeal.

Federal prosecutors also dropped their appeal for a 25-year prison sentence for former HealthSouth CEO Richard Scrushy, who was handed more than six years in prison.

Siegelman alleges that the prosecution's case was not only flawed but also political. Alabama U.S. attorneys prosecuting his case had connections with his political opponents, and unleashed a string of indictments, even as juries repeatedly found him innocent.

Prosecutors did not say in their filing why they wanted to drop their appeal, though Siegelman's lawyer, Vince Kilborn, said U.S. Congress' investigation into allegations of political persecution of Democrats by the U.S. Justice Department under President Bush may have something to do with it.

"The Government is getting real nervous over the overreaching position the prosecutors took at trial. Asking for 30 years [a life sentence in effect] is making them look vindictive. ... The average sentence for murder in Alabama is about less than 20 years. The government has also become keenly aware (that) this case is the national poster child for injustice, so they are trying to put lipstick on the pig," Kilborn told the Jackson Free Press.

Previous Comments


Scrushy finally goes to jail? About freaking time. and it's hardly an injustice for Bernie Ebbers Jr there to finally go to jail. Siegelman? Meh, couldn't care.


How about Judge Bobby DeLaughter? I have heard that he is under investigation by the DOJ. How come there is no reporting on this? Just curious.


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