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Gov. Reeves Signs $524-Million Tax Cut As Education, Infrastructure Funding Woes Remain

Mississippi Gov. Tate Reeves signed an income-tax cut Tuesday afternoon that will eliminate $524 million from state revenues.

Tease photo Health Care

House Political Games Kill Medicaid Extension For New Mothers in Mississippi

For the second year in a row, Mississippi House leadership has once again killed an extension of postpartum Medicaid benefits, likely guaranteeing that many low-income people will lose health insurance …

Tease photo Politics

Republicans Approve ‘CRT’ Bill Despite Opposition From All Black House Members

For six hours on Thursday, Black Mississippi House representatives argued against a bill that would set limits on discussions of race in classrooms. Once their arguments wrapped up, though, the …

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Mississippi Senate Passes Income Tax Cut Slashing $446 Million in Revenue

The Mississippi Senate approved legislation to reduce the state income tax by hundreds of millions of dollars Wednesday, despite caution from opponents who questioned the wisdom of doing so while …

Tease photo Personhood

‘God Selected This Case’: The Christian Dominionist War On Abortion, Part II

Days before the 2020 presidential election, then-President Donald Trump celebrated the confirmation of Justice Amy Coney Barrett to the U.S. Supreme Court, achieving a top priority of many Christian dominionist …

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‘To Rule History With God’: The Christian Dominionist War On Abortion, Part I

In hopes of triggering a U.S. Supreme Court case, the Alliance Defending Freedom drafted the 15-week abortion ban that the Mississippi Legislature passed in 2018.

Tease photo Politics

Auditor Targets Anti-Racism Books in Mississippi Libraries: ‘A Cancer On Our Society’

Mississippi State Auditor Shad White is endorsing proposed legislation to ban educators from teaching “anti-racist” ideas in schools and accused libraries in the state of stocking “racist” books that criticize …

Tease photo Personhood

Gov. Reeves: Mississippi Will Ban Most Abortions From Conception If Roe Falls

Mississippi Gov. Tate Reeves recently confirmed that the state will swiftly move to enact a law banning nearly all abortions starting from the moment of conception if the U.S. Supreme …

Tease photo Personhood

10 Years After Mississippians Rejected ‘Personhood,’ New ‘Life at ‘Conception’ Efforts Underway

A decade after Mississippi rejected the opportunity to adopt the most anti-abortion law in the nation, a national anti-abortion group is working with a top Republican U.S. senator to push …

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Organizers Plan for Post-Roe Mississippi With Self-Managed Abortion Education

The U.S. Supreme Court will not hear Mississippi’s challenge to Roe v. Wade for more than a month, but leading abortion-rights organizers say they are not holding out hope for …

Tease photo coronavirus

IHL Mandates COVID-19 Vaccines For Mississippi University Employees, Still Prohibits Student Mandates

Under President Joe Biden’s order, university employees at campuses with federal contracts must show proof that they are fully vaccinated or receive an exemption accommodation by Dec. 8. To be …

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Auditor Demands Brett Favre Return $828,000 in ‘Illegally Spent Welfare Funds’

NFL star Brett Favre must return $828,000 he received from welfare funds that should have gone to needy families, Mississippi State Auditor Shad White said in a statement recently.

Tease photo Education

As Rankin County Schools Ditch Mask Mandates, Jackson Requires Vaccines for Teachers

As Jackson Public Schools become one of the first in the state to mandate COVID-19 vaccines or weekly testing for employees, students in the nearby suburban Rankin County School District …

Tease photo Politics

Where The Devil Comes In: Income Tax On Trial At The Mississippi Legislature

Sen. John Polk, R-Hattiesburg, who represents a certified retirement city, is concerned that eliminating the state income tax and raising the sales tax would harm the older residents of his …

Tease photo Health Care

Person Hospitalized After Taking Livestock Ivermectin From Feed Store To Treat COVID-19

At least one individual has been hospitalized in Mississippi after ingesting a drug intended for treating worms in livestock, the Mississippi State Department of Health revealed today. The medicine, ivermectin, …

Tease photo Health Care

Mississippi Quarantines 20,000 With 5,993 Students Positive For COVID; Teen Deaths Rise

School districts statewide have responded to mounting COVID-19 cases and outbreaks with a patchwork of remedies, with many reimplementing mask mandates or moving to all-virtual instruction.

Tease photo Health Care

Mississippi’s Hospital System Could ‘Fail’ In 10 Days, UMMC Warns As Feds Rush In

With COVID-19 patients overflowing at the University of Mississippi Medical Center, including in its pediatric center, hospital leaders are warning that the medical system statewide could be on the verge …

Tease photo Politics

Gunn, Reeves Vow To Ban Critical Race Theory In Schools: ‘Can’t Take A Chance’

Mississippi House Speaker Philip Gunn promised attendees at the Neshoba County Fair yesterday that he will back legislation next year to ban “critical race theory” in Mississippi’s K-12 classrooms—despite the …

Tease photo Abortion

Governor Attempts to Ban Mississippi Abortions, Citing Need to Preserve PPE

Gov. Tate Reeves says he is halting abortions in Mississippi to help free up personal protective equipment for hospitals to use as they deal with an escalating number of COVID-19 …

Tease photo Health Care

Rep. Palazzo: Rural Hospitals ‘On Brink’ of ‘Collapse,’ Need Relief Amid Pandemic

Congress must assist rural hospitals in its upcoming bill aimed at blunting the economic devastation the coronavirus has wrought, Mississippi Congressman Steven Palazzo wrote in a letter to top U.S. …
