Jackblog | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS




Lumumba to Run for Mayor

Ward 2 City Councilman, attorney and community activist Chokwe Lumumba announced today that he will run for mayor of Jackson in 2013. Lumumba has continually stressed the disproportionate number of …


The Great American Grump Out

The official Great American Grump Out is today, May 2, and participants must vow not to be grumpy for the next 24 hours. Can you handle it?


That'll Do, Pig. That'll Do

I sat in my driveway, in my running car, staring at the thermostat. A week ago I'd been complaining about the cold snap and rain interfering with my ability to …


AG Lambastes Sunshine Bill

Here's the statement from Hood's office on the House's adoption of the bill's conference report:

The Mississippi House again debated a bill aimed at rolling back the powers of the state attorney general. And again, it passed. Dubbed the Sunshine Act, HB 211 lets state …


For The Children, Y'all

There was no starting gun, but there was a preacher, so i was obviously prepared to run. I surveyed the group that had assembled behind the starting line and noted …


House Unveils Voting Maps

The wait is over, kids. Mississippi House members finally have a new legislative district map to vote on. The maps, which add two districts in rapidly growing DeSoto County, were …


Another Charter Schools Bill Killed

The latest attempt to pass legislation establishing charter schools met defeat in the Mississippi House moments ago. House members voted to send HB 1152, which had been modified to include …


Some Coast Residents to Get More in Oil Spill Claims

A statement from the Attorney General's office says some Mississippians affected by the Deepwater Horizon oil spill could be getting more money to pay for damages. Here is the statement, …


Fortification Street to Get $9-million Makeover

From the city, verbatim:

Fortification Street Project Bid Approved


A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To My 5K

I woke up around five the morning of the big day. Maybe it was nerves, maybe it was what I'd had for dinner, but I had the worst case of …


New JPS Advocacy Group

A group of former school board members, community leaders and others have formed a new advocacy group for JPS. Here is their announcement, verbatim:


Developing the Best Jackson

In about two months of working the city beat for the Jackson Free Press, the thing I have run into and reported on more than any other is proposed development. …


Now I Know I Can

Terry set the pace, explaining that there was no need to "showboat" during the first mile. I was encouraged to pull back when I felt it was needed, to charge …


McMillin to Chair Parole Board

Gov. Phil Bryant has appointed former Hinds County Sheriff Malcolm McMillin to be chairman of the state Parole Board. Among other duties, the parole board reads applications for gubernatorial pardons.


Note: All posts below this one are for previous Chick Balls!

Read and enjoy info about previous Chick Ball, but see the top few posts at http://www.jfpchickball.com for current information!