Earlier this month, first lady Michelle Obama announced a campaign to solve childhood obesity in America. It only makes sense, then, that she would visit the capitol of Mississippi—the most obese state in the nation—as part of her "Let's Move" campaign.
During Obama's visit, scheduled for this Wednesday, March 3, she will join Gov. Haley Barbour and Mississippi's first lady Marsha Barbour at an elementary school in Jackson. Beyond the day, however, no details have not been announced.
The "Let's Move" campaign will engage every sector impacting the health of children, according to a White House statement, and will provide schools, families and communities simple tools to help kids be more active, eat better, and get healthy.
Previous Comments
- ID
- 156404
- Comment
I hope that Jackson will not be the First Lady's only stop. Some of the Delata counties here in MS are very hard hit by issues of obesity. I also hope that obesity in this State will be addressed holistically,i.e., poverty, illiteracy, poor health care, tween and teen pregnancy and the lack of access. These are issues that WE are responsible for and it will be unfair to think that Michelle Obama could wave a wand and bring our community into health consciousness and compliance. I hope that people like Dr. Betty Fletcher who is working hard in the Delta addressing poverty and obesity and its root causes will also get a seat at the table with Michelle and the Barbours. Just saying.
- Author
- justjess
- Date
- 2010-03-01T10:31:52-06:00
- ID
- 156406
- Comment
By the way, is obesity the only issue that the Barbours agree with the Obamas on????
- Author
- justjess
- Date
- 2010-03-01T10:52:45-06:00
- ID
- 156408
- Comment
Obama's speaking to our schoolchildren?! Outrageous!!! At least, I thought it was supposed to be. Aren't people afraid she's going to indoctrinate the kids in socialism? It looks like she's only speaking to black children, so maybe white conservatives don't care because she isn't speaking to theirs. I wonder what would happen if she tried to speak at Jackson Prep.
- Author
- DrumminD21311
- Date
- 2010-03-01T11:21:31-06:00
- ID
- 156411
- Comment
Drummin, I'm sure Jackson Prep would welcome the first lady just as any other school would. You probably have never set foot on campus or spoken with an administrator or teacher there, so naturally you make assumptions.
- Author
- RobbieR
- Date
- 2010-03-01T12:10:22-06:00
- ID
- 156412
- Comment
RobbieR: please avoid personal arguments. You can disagree about Jackson Prep without attacking another commenter directly. Thanks!
- Author
- Todd Stauffer
- Date
- 2010-03-01T12:41:10-06:00
- ID
- 156414
- Comment
Drummin is actually using a little satire in his post, so don't be overalarmed.
- Author
- golden eagle
- Date
- 2010-03-01T12:48:46-06:00
- ID
- 156415
- Comment
iTodd, that's not a personal attack. If Drummin making accusations re: JP (even in jest) without having reference in fact, then it needs to be addressed. Maybe it was phrased poorly, but the point was made. Baquan - Yes and no. Did people make too big of a deal about Obama speaking to school children? Probabaly, if not most definitely, but that doesn't mean the First Lady would not be welcomed at JP or some of the independent schools in the surrounding counties. Unfortunately, some maybe would not be welcoming, and that is sad. But Drummin just made an accusation about demographics about JP, and a lame one at that. Regardless, changing the path of our State with regards to child obesity is vital. Healthy kids are an odds on favorite to grow up to be healthy adults, which is not only good for a healthy sustainable work force and tax base, but will also hopefully help relieve the cost of health care on the State.
- Author
- RobbieR
- Date
- 2010-03-01T13:28:56-06:00
- ID
- 156416
- Comment
Did I hurt Jackson Prep's feelings? I thought JP, Saint Andrews, MRA, and Jackson Academy were all fair game for rich white conservative jokes.
- Author
- DrumminD21311
- Date
- 2010-03-01T14:48:24-06:00
- ID
- 156421
- Comment
This is me calmed down. Wait till I get riled up about something.
- Author
- DrumminD21311
- Date
- 2010-03-01T18:41:50-06:00
- ID
- 156422
- Comment
Okay, this is showing my age some, but I remember taking PE (which was mandatory in those days, btw) in elementary and junior high, and the teacher had us all working to get our President's Council on Physical Fitness awards. At the annual assembly, students were recognized with certificates. Patches were given out for different levels of achievement, and these were sewn on our gym uniforms as a matter of pride. I asked my mom the other day if parents or anyone in the community objected to students being made to participate or being indoctrinated. She said of course not. Gosh, I guess those really were the days.
- Author
- chaffeur
- Date
- 2010-03-01T22:55:37-06:00
- ID
- 156428
- Comment
Mandatory PE came from a presidential initiative during John F. Kennedy's administration. The structure was excellent because a student's accomplishments were rewarded at every level. The standards were clearly defined and implemented on a national level. A child could be in a segregated school in MS but still achieve the same level as a child in an integrated school in Arizona. Obama could use the same program; schools were not required to use it, but they were given incentives when they did. Where do you think all that PE equipment came from? Dodge ball, anyone?
- Author
- deltabelle
- Date
- 2010-03-02T08:52:59-06:00
- ID
- 156429
- Comment
Baquan, I agree the lack of exercise is a large part of the problem, regardless of the sidewalk situation. But the introduction of video games, combined with the lack of parents forcing their kids to be active, as well as horrible eating habits have combined to be the perfect storm. Sadly, McDonald's cheeseburger and fries is the norm these days as opposed to healthier food cooked at home. But most of the above problems should be able to be remedied or at least waned by parental oversight and a little bit of effort.
- Author
- RobbieR
- Date
- 2010-03-02T08:53:00-06:00
- ID
- 156431
- Comment
Is the Pope still Catholic? Is fat meat still greasy? Is President Obama still a Democrat? I raise these questions because the First Lady of the United States of America will be visiting our City: The Capital City of the State with the most obese people in the US. The Chief Officer of the City of Jackson (MAYOR), according to the public itinery, is not a part of the event. Have the Republicans become such a part of "NO" that usual and customary political protocol will not be followed??? Is the Mayor still responsible for our Airport, streets, schools, police force and all other City entities that will be used during the visit? This is the ultimate in disrespect and disregard for the Mayor and his wife. Can anyone say this is a real Duck with an "F"??? I've seen it: It looks like a duck: I've heard it: It QUACKS like a duck. THIS IS A REAL DUCK!!!! Shame on Haley and Marsha!
- Author
- justjess
- Date
- 2010-03-02T11:05:47-06:00
- ID
- 156434
- Comment
Justjess, Adam just talked to Chris Mims in the mayor's office. He said that it is false that the mayor was not invited to be a part of her visit. The White House invited them, and they've been a part of it all along.
- Author
- DonnaLadd
- Date
- 2010-03-02T11:32:36-06:00
- ID
- 156435
- Comment
Give me a break. "The White House invited them. and they've been a part of it all along." This certainly is not the information from public media.
- Author
- justjess
- Date
- 2010-03-02T11:41:25-06:00
- ID
- 156437
- Comment
It is the information from the mayor's office.
- Author
- DonnaLadd
- Date
- 2010-03-02T12:40:57-06:00
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