Miss. Prayer Warriors Protesting Barbour Lobbying Ties | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

Miss. Prayer Warriors Protesting Barbour Lobbying Ties

Haley Barbour still getting paid by lobbying firm.

The Mississippi Prayer Warriors sent around this e-mail today questioning Barbour's lobbying ties. Pasted verbatim:

The Governor is getting twice as much from his lobbying as he is from the people of Mississippi. Dear Prayer Warriors, There has been a great deal of disturbing coverage lately about Haley Barbour and how he is still getting paid by his lobbying firm while Governor. With multiple national news organizations confirming that Gov. Barbour is receiving money and in a profit-sharing agreement with his lobby firm, BGR, we can't just write this up to election-year politics. The Governor is actually getting twice as much from his lobbying as he is from the people of Mississippi. And as we all know, where your treasure is, there your heart will be also…and casinos and companies wouldn't be paying him hundreds of thousands of dollars unless they thought they were getting something out of it. The New Republic just reported this week that Gov. Barbour has flown to DC on a state aircraft at tax-payer expense this summer to attend meetings at BGR - all this after Gov. Barbour publicly said that he's severed all ties with his lobbying firm.

Visit Mississippi Prayer Warriors Web site.

We need to pray for the direction of our state, but we also need to make sure we are staying informed and being good stewards of our vote and citizenship. Maybe there is a good reason for all of this, but so far Gov. Barbour has refused to offer any explanation and has simply said the press and people of Mississippi shouldn't be asking these questions. But two of BGR's biggest clients are the tobacco industry and gambling industry (out-of-state gambling interests have also given $200,000 to Barbour's campaign), and we have a responsibility as citizens to ask whether the money they have been paying Gov. Barbour has been influencing his decisions as Governor.

With the Choctaws wanting to build another casino and having given Barbour $20,000 in campaign contributions, can we trust Barbour not to approve it…especially since last time he campaigned on not expanding casinos and then did just that?

I'm planning to send Governor Barbour a letter from Mississippi Prayer Warriors asking him to provide the people of Mississippi with some answers so we can make informed decisions. I'd like to add as many names to that letter as possible, and so if you are interested in adding your name, please click here to see the letter and enter your name and address before September 30, 2007.

If you are interested in reading more about the ties between Gov. Barbour and his lobbying firm that have recently come to light, please check out the article in the Jackson Free Press that addresses most of the issues. And please continue to pray for our state and for our people that we will be fair and evenhanded as we seek to discern the truth, especially in the midst of an election.

Yours in Christ,
Kevin Nieminen

Previous Comments


Oh, and a hat tip to the Prayer Warriors for linking to the JFP article. BTW, this Bible verse is linked to the front page their site: 1 Timothy 2 I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. Ahem, Haley.


I was in Biloxi for the debate with Gov. Barbour and John Eaves last Thursday night. This issue came up and Barbour was MAD. He told John Eaves that all he was doing was "mudd slinging" and it was expected of a person running for office without a platform. Eaves shot back with giving Barbour credit for "bringing home the bacon." Eaves then said, "The only problem is that you gave our bacon to your.............." There were demonstrators with signs outside saying things like: "Barbour, where is our FEMA money?" These were complaints about Insurance Companies and HUD funds. Eaves has a great message and in my opinion, he was the clear winner of the debate. His basic theme was: "Gov. Barbour, Who do you serve?


The link above for the Mississippi Prayer Warriors is wrong. It should be: http://www.mississippiprayerwarriors.org/


Fixed the link, lucdix.


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