Gifts Losers Don't Give | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

Gifts Losers Don't Give

It's only days until Christmas and—this is the point where a lot of people really screw up. If—like me—you haven't quite finished your shopping (or started), you might be tempted to run to a mall and grab anything that looks like a gift. Don't. This is how people end up with useless appliances and way too many golf accessories they'll never use.

Worse, many people just go a place like Wal-Mart (or Y'all-Mart as JFP columnist Stiggers lovingly calls it) and buy a handful of gift cards. The problem here, of course, is that you look like you put no thought whatsoever into your shopping, and worse, you're doing little to support your city by throwing your money at another big-box retailer.

So what's a desperate shopper to do? You were on the right track with the gift certificates; just try a bit more creativity and personal thought about where you buy them. If you do, your last-minute gift could quickly become the favorite thing, say, your hip, young niece never got.

Truth is, about any local establishment is going to sell you a gift certificate. They'd be fools not to take your money. Here are some ideas to get you started—yes, focused on some of my personal favorite shops and services.

Used Is Cool

Some of the grooviest stuff there is old. Used. A bit worn. Or, vintage as we aficionados call it. In other words, the kool kids (of all ages) just love to peruse shops where you can buy great used stuff. And you can get a lot of used for $10, $25 or $50. If you give a gift certificate, you can't be accused of cleaning out your closet on unsuspecting loved ones and, frankly, people like to pick their used stuff for themselves. This is win-win for you. Try these "vintage" spots:

NUTS (1144 Millsaps Ave., 601-355-7458). This is the best thrift store in town, bar none. Clothes, toys, furniture, office supplies, useless appliances, you name it. NUTS is a fab way to kill a Saturday, and is the best place to see hipsters mixing with thrifty mamas.

Little Big Store (Old Train Depot, Raymond, 601-857-8579) There is nothing more "in" than vinyl. Yes, records. Old Beatles albums, 12-inch dance remixes, Sinatra standards … whatever. Little Big Store is the spot.

Orange Peel (3026 N. State St., 601-364-9977) A city's coolness quotient goes way up with a funky vintage-clothing store opens. I've been to vintage shops all over the country, and beyond, and have seen none better than Orange Peel for three reasons: (a) Low prices, (b) a variety of sizes and (c) great clothes and accessories. You will be the favorite uncle ever when your niece pulls out this one.

Firefly (605 Duling Ave., 601-981-5716) Connected to Orange Peel, Firefly is a great spot for retro-chic housewares and kitsch. (Meaning your grandma's stuff that sells for big bucks now that you threw it all away.)

Choctaw Books (926 North St., 601-352-7281) This is a very good used bookstore—not dirt cheap, but a great selection of everything from cookbooks to tomes about the Confederacy. Many of my most treasured books came from there.


The rage these days is organic living. You know—yoga, massage, incense, neti pots, body brushes, fish oil, cleansing herbs, Buddha statues. And Jackson is filled with excellent BodySoul products and services. But gift cards work great here—inevitably you'll be giving a "treat," and BodySoul choices are very personal. So help your giftees get a jump on their resolutions with the following:

Best of Health (235 Highland Village, 601-981-2838) and Rainbow Whole Foods (2807 Old Canton Rd., 601-366-1602) are fabulous gift spots. Yesterday at Rainbow, I bought two Little Yogi coloring books for my nieces and something perfect for my squeeze, the iTodd (can't say that one out loud). As I shopped, I gazed longingly at the Burt's Bees and Dr. Hauschka body products, the Dr. Bronner's bottle soaps (love them all), and the vegetarian cookbooks I collect (and the iTodd uses). Same goes for Best of Health, where I love to talk to manager Tina about my supplements regime and buy old-school body products (sans paraben and other junk that makes me sick) that I can't get at Rainbow. Like many organic trendies, I drop real money at these joints. I need gift certificates. Now.

Ahhh, body services. You. cannot. go. wrong. With gift certificates for body services. You just can't. My favorites include a spa manicure/pedicure at Fondren Nails (2906 N. State St., 601-362-6292), and a 'do at Tangle Salon (3000 N. State St., 601-987-0123); Brian is hard to get into see, but worth it when you can. (And he does my hair at night.) And they can use their Tangle bucks on great bags, scarves, jewely and Hempz body products if they want.

Your loved ones definitely deserve a Thai Yoga massage experience with Erik MacKinnon, who works at Alternative Therapies in Fondren (3915 N. State St., 601-540-4756), not to mention herbal/acupuncture services across the hall with Jerusha DeGroote (512-663-0502). Or one of the heavenly facials by Katie at O'Susanna (Canton Mart Square, 601-956-4870)). Or a bodywrap and a bit of reiki with Cynthia at Energy Works (5620 I-55 South, 601-613-8371.) Or eyebrow threading at Incense (2475 Lakeland Drive, 601-933-0074). Or how about some intro yoga (or bellydance) class with Scotta and the gang o' yogis at Butterfly Yoga (3025 N. State St., 601.594-2313). Or, really give virtue with a gift certificate to G2 Fitness Institute (601-366-2223) or the YMCA (Various locations, 601-948-0818).

And, of course, you can get all the stuff a true organic lifestyler needs—from crystals to Tibetan prayer bowls to Zen clocks over at New Vibrations (2914 N. State St., 601-981-1153). My favorite gift certificate last year came from there. (Thanks, iTodd.) And the candles at the new Mosaic (2914 N. State St., 601-713-2595) are divine.

Food, Stuff and More

Some of my favorite gifts involve food. Pricey gourmet stuff that I wouldn't buy for myself—you know all those shelves of treats lined up over at Broad Street (Banner Hall, 601-362-2900). Or up at Everyday Gourmet, which has divine kitchens utensils (I buy it; the iTodd uses it). Or even tucked into boutiques like Treehouse (3000 N. State St., 601-982-3433), where the iTodd bought an artichoke and lemon pesto last week in a charming little jar. (We ate it already.) These are yummy spots for gift cards.

Of course, gift certificates to good restaurants never fail. Just pick their favorite that they don't get to often, or one they haven't tried. Invite them to Bravo (Highland Village, 601-982-8111), Sakura Bana (4800 I-55 N., 601-982-3035), Schimmel's (2615 N. State St., 601-981-7077), Del Sol (4659 McWillie Dr., 601-982-4956), Aladdin (730 Lakeland Dr., 601-366-6033), lunch at High Noon (2807 Old Canton Rd., 601-366-1513), brunch at Julep (1305 E. Northside Dr., 601-362-1411), caramel cakes and breakfast at Primos (Lakeland or Lake Harbour Drive, 601.936-3398), real and veggie burgers at Cool Al's (4654 McWillie Drive, 601-713-3020), the pies at Hickory Pit (1491 Canton Mart Rd., 601-956-7079. And that's just a start (check the JFP menu guide online for ideas). And, everyone needs a Cups card in her oversized handbag (

Of course, you know the value of one-way tickets to their favorite boutiques—from Wilai (2763 Old Canton Rd., 601-366-9955) to Swell-o-phonic (2769 Old Canton Rd., 601-981-FLIP) for the skaters, Treehouse and oh-those-shoes at Designer's Shoe Palace (2315 Lakeland Drive, 601-939-5203). Or, the beads and jewelry at Village Beads (398 Hwy. 51, Ridgeland, 601-853-3299). If they love to gaze in the windows, that's your gift card. Just buy it.

I'll close with two gift certificates that simply cannot lose with the sophisticated loved one: booze and books. Go pick up your Christmas wine, and grab a gift card at McDade's Wine & Spirits (1220 E. Northside Drive, 601-366-5676), Briarwood Liquor (4949 Old Canton Rd., 601-956-5108) or Kat's Wines (901 Fortification St., 601-354-9181). (For the kids, substitute a gift certificate for the rad soda pops at Fondren Beverage Emporium (3030 N. State St., 601-321-0806).

Finally, my favorite gift card in town, bar none. Lemuria Books (Banner Hall, 601-366-7619). This one is like a ticket to heaven. Get out of my way when you see me coming.

Previous Comments


Great insight. Something from here would have pleased me. Anyway, the wife got me a GPS (Navigational System). I was going to leave her otherwise if Santa didn't come to see me.

Ray Carter

Actually, this is a good piece for folks to consult for the fourth day of Kwanzaa — celebrating local businesses and community (the 29th).


So, Ray, your wife tagged you and now tracks you with GPS? Good plan...


The Missus Carter strikes me as a wise woman.


I didn't understand that to be the motive, Kate. You may be on to something there. She tried to buy me another wedding band, the third one, after losing 2 other ones. I insisted I still don't like jewelry. It's too girly-like. Luckily my fingers are larger than the average person's is, meaning you can't ever find any ring for me except by ordering it. No change of getting something immediately.

Ray Carter

I insisted I still don't like jewelry. It's too girly-like. Him Ray, her Jane.


She is wise. My family's reputation doesn't help me any. My dad and brothers are worse than Bill Clinton ever was. I'm proving the family curse or blessing can be broken. The problem is that she knows that type of blood runs through my vein.

Ray Carter

Your description might be correct, Donna.

Ray Carter

We didn't get each other anything: Christmas in our house for for the kids, so we made sure they were happy. However, he still owes me another trip to the Beverage Emporium. And I like jewelry: I just don't like diamonds. They're so plain. And way too expensive. Do you know how many sci-fi conventions we could go to instead? Most of the time, all I wear is my wedding band and a watch, anyway.

Lady Havoc

Oh, and the Dr. Bronners Soaps: nothing, I repeat, NOTHING, is better than that peppermint. Oh. My. God.

Lady Havoc

I use Dr. Bronner's every day—also love the lavender and the almond.


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