‘Tis ‘Best of Jackson,' ‘Think Global, Shop Local' Season | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

‘Tis ‘Best of Jackson,' ‘Think Global, Shop Local' Season

This week's issue kicks off the JFP's "Best of Jackson 2006" campaign season—and our fourth annual "Think Global, Shop Local" campaign, which we introduced to Jackson in our first year of publication. Pick up this week's issue and read all about why Wal-Mart is not the future of this growing creative-class city, and how you help your community to spending your dollars with locally owned businesses. Also, turn to page 24 to cast your votes in the "Best of Jackson 2006" readers' choice awards—which will be announced in late January.

The online ballot will be up this week if you prefer to vote electronically; meantime go post yourself a free classified ad.

Here's to the Best of Jackson!

Previous Comments


Just a quickie reminder of what the Ledge (aka The Skin-Flint) considers "shopping local". Click here and WEEP at the list of chain stores that the corporate daily monster is trying to send our community investment to. Thanks, guys. Have you no shame? It is hard for me to express how angry it makes me that this international newspaper can't resist a corporate big-box campaign that will hurt the hard-working entrepreneurs right here in Jackson. They are execrable. Now let's all go to Olive Garden to dinner and celebrate how great our corporate chains are. Growwwwwl. Also note that the "Shop Local" feature has been moved to the top left of the redesigned Ledge siteóthe most prominent spot for a link (it's where we put our cover and links to recent big cover stories). It would be like running a big "Shop Local" (sic) ad on the top right corner of the front page of the print edition. Oops, don't give the corporate cowboys any ideas. Losers with a capital L.


The Ledger is just another tentacle of Gannett. I'm honestly suprised whenever they do anything local. There are so many great local businesses for us to go to, we just don't know about them. Everyone needs to get excited and do some viral marketing. Tell a friend how great Tony's Tamales is (remind them to bring cash). Let everyone know that Hal and Mal's and Dons are your favorite bars. Let them know cool furniture is at Article and you can get great clothes for cheap across the street at the Orange Peel. Remind your friends that there are lots of great plays and symphonies at Thalia. Let 'em know about Belhaven Market. Tell them where the Farmer's Market is. Video Cafe and Rainbow!!! See a place you haven't heard of in the JFP and go there! You won't be dissapointed. I'm staying away from the chains for a long time. No more high-fructose corn syrup for me!!!


I have to make a snarky point to my beloved JFP and its staff. Why-o-why, in this wonderful issue kicking off the Best of Jackson and Shop Local events, do we have a cover by New Yorker Ted Rall? Isn't there a local artist we could have used in this issue?

David McCarty

Tell them where the Farmer's Market is. Video Cafe and Rainbow!!! Unfortunately, Video Cafe doesn't appear to be among the living anymore. I had set up lunch with somebody and we were going to meet there, but the blooming place was locked. Went to the architectural firm next door and was told that it had closed. All the more reason, I guess, to support local businesses. Glad McDade's bought out those two Winn-Dixies. Cheers, TH

Tom Head

"Video Cafe doesn't appear to be among the living anymore." Dang! This article from August featured the owner of Video Cafe and talked about how optimistic he was of its future. I just looked it up on Yahoo! yellow pages and it didn't show up... :-(


Somebody told me their rent went up right after the fundraiser. Not sure how true that is (since I can't remember who said it), but... And yeah, it's a shame. One consolation, I guess, is that the folks involved are motivated enough that if they stay in Jackson, it'll return. Remember how many times Iron Horse closed down, then came back. Cheers, TH

Tom Head

David, the cover is the book cover of the anti-Wal-Mart book we featured this issue, along with an interview with the author that Casey did. We're definitely about the "shopping local" part (like buying the book at Lemuria, not Barnes & Noble), but the "Thinking Global" part does require reading books that are written by people outside Mississippi, in addition to our own! ;-) We're not quote xenophobic enough to shut out books not written and illustrated by Mississippians. And I don't know anyone in Jackson who has written a Wal-Mart book. Yet. Otherwise, I believe it's say to say that Jackson Free Press features, and has featured, more local artists on our cover than any other publication in town. And that practice won't stop anytime soon, I assure you. ;-)


An excellent rejoinder! For my part, I'll note that Ted Rall is by far one of the best alternative cartoonists working today, and has gained national prominence for his strong stances against the hypocrisy of the current administration (and for his 'toon-battle with Danny Hellman). If you'd have told me five years ago that there would be a local paper featuring top-grade national art talent, I'd have laughed in your face! As you note, Donna, the JFP isn't just about highlighting the best of local talent: it's about exposing us to the best of the "hidden" national talent, as well. There's many times when I've read a review of bands or books in the Free Press that the Ledge couldn't, or wouldn't, touch. With that in mind, and the fact that you're already running the fantastic Tom Tomorrow, what about a comics page once a month? The Ledge isn't going to give us one of any note; why not have one featuring Rall, Tom Tomorrow, Ruben Bolling (my favorite!), and others?

David McCarty

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