Mississippi abuzz about Britney? Really? | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

Mississippi abuzz about Britney? Really?

One other Clarion-Ledger query: Is Mississippi really "abuzz over quickie marriage, annulment" as the paper proclaims in the top right quadrant of its front page today—the most visible spot? Inside, on the front page of Southern Style, you can read a long wire story about Britney's silliness in Las Vegas. Wow. Cool. I don't believe it. And, if so, it's not newsworthy.

Of course, I saw a segment on WLBT last night about Martha Stewart's scheduling of trial or something. Amazing what local news thinks is important to Mississippians. Of course, that was right after a long piece abouot "identity theft" (which apparently includes someone stealing your checkbook and writing a bad check). Fear, fear ... marketing fear. How about reporting on solutions to everyday problems and celebrating positive actions of citizens? I think Mississippians are ready for a bit of civic journalism, instead of rank sensationalism.

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