Jobs for Jacksonians Program Coordinator Jonathan Barnett said that his office is collaborating with the U.S. Department of Agriculture to provide hundreds of entry-level jobs at a virtual job fair on Wednesday, June 2. Photo courtesy Jonathan Barnett
The U.S. Department of Agriculture has hundreds of immediate job openings available at a virtual job fair scheduled for 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Wednesday, June 2, Jobs for Jacksonians Program Coordinator Jonathan Barnett old the Jackson Free Press in a phone interview on Tuesday, June 1.
"This is the first time we will be collaborating with the United States Department of Agriculture," he said. "For prescreening purposes, they want to have access to résumés and unofficial transcripts from these prospects here."
"Once they receive those items, then they will contact those prospects so they can set up a time and appointment to speak with those representatives," he added. "As we're speaking, I'm still getting résumés and transcripts emailed to me, even while we're on the phone."
Jobs for Jacksonians is collaborating with Tougaloo College, offering its zoom account as the virtual job fair platform.
"Once (a prospective candidate) has sent in the resume and unofficial transcript, USDA will contact those people, so they have his own (Zoom) link," Barnett said. "Every prospect is going to have an allotment of time."
City of Jackson Public Information Officer Meagan Gosa in a May 27 statement noted that the event is for recent graduates, graduate students, current college seniors and college graduates.
Available positions include range management specialists, soil conservationists, soil conservation technicians, soil scientists, engineering technicians, civil /environmental/agricultural engineers, archaeologists, biologists, economists, foresters, agronomists, loan assistants (previous farm loan officer trainee), program technicians, loan specialists, supervisory loan specialists, agricultural program specialists, administrative specialists, administrative technicians, risk management specialists, compliance investigators, human resources specialists, management and program analysts (risk analysis), financial management specialists, accountants, systems accountants, budget analysts, and real property specialists.
"The hiring managers are excited to fill these vacancies with Mississippians that are eager to start their careers," Gosa said in the statement. "Job seekers who are interested in these opportunities are asked to submit their resumes and 'unofficial transcripts' to [email protected]."
Water Conservation Notice Still In Place
Some people in the City of Jackson and Byram continue to suffer low or no water pressure as the cities seek solutions after two out of the six wells servicing 16,000 households shut down. The TV Road well and Siwell Well systems went offline two weeks ago.
"Contractors have procured a new replacement pump for the Siwell Road well," Jackson Communications Director Michelle Atoa said in a statement on Thursday, May 27. "Delivery is anticipated late next week. In the interim, this well will continue to operate with the temporary pump that was installed on Saturday, May 22."
While the city has lifted the precautionary boil notice for the 2,000 connections affected by the water-system disruption, getting parts to replace the pumps in the two affected wells remained a challenge.
"The TV Road well is still offline while the contractor is securing parts to repair the motor and pump," Atoa said. "Once the repairs for the Siwell Road well are complete, the contractor will move to TV Road and start that repair work."
"The City anticipates starting work on TV Road the week of June 7th,” she added. "The contractor is prepared to move the temporary pump from Siwell Road to TV Road if parts for the motor or pump take longer to secure. This will provide water to the area temporarily until the motor and pump can be installed permanently."
The communications manager explained that the conservation notice issued on Monday, May 17, 2021, for the entire Jackson Maddox Well Water System also remains in place. "As the Jackson Maddox Well System continues to operate on only five of its six wells, we ask that residents please conserve water for their neighbors," she stated.
Murder Conviction in 14-Year-Old's Killing
Hinds County Circuit Judge Andrienne Wooten has sentenced 43-year-old Stacy Liddell to 30 years imprisonment for the murder of 14-year-old Roderick Johnson Jr.
The trail began on Tuesday, May 25, and Hinds County District Attorney Jody E. Owens II announced the sentencing on Friday, May 28.
"On Easter Sunday, April 21, 2019, 14-year-old Roderick Johnson Jr. was riding bicycles with two friends," the district attorney said in a May 28 statement. "One of Roderick Johnson's friends had taken a bicycle from Stacy Liddell's front yard. Stacy Liddell began to chase these children down the street, fatally shooting Roderick in the back as he pedaled away."
"District Attorney Owens says that today's sentence sends a strong message that senseless gun violence will not be tolerated in our communities," the statement added.
Email story tips to city/county reporter Kayode Crown at [email protected]. Follow him on Twitter at @kayodecrown.
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