Hope you guys tune in...This will be a continuation of sorts from the "web-sparring" that went on last week here on the JFP site. Refer back to last week's editorial. Othor, Ben, and myself got into a spirited debate on Farish and all of downtown that we will resume today on the air. Listen up 103.7fm
Previous Comments
- ID
- 115909
- Comment
Cool. We encourage people to post here during the show. Maybe they'll keep an eye out for online questions. ;-)
- Author
- DonnaLadd
- Date
- 2007-12-05T12:26:55-06:00
- ID
- 115910
- Comment
Ill make sure I mention that Donna. hopefully someone can monitor that.
- Author
- Kamikaze
- Date
- 2007-12-05T14:26:34-06:00
- ID
- 115911
- Comment
These guys are online now...
- Author
- DonnaLadd
- Date
- 2007-12-05T17:08:07-06:00
- ID
- 115912
- Comment
I love hearing these guys at the same table. This has to be good.
- Author
- DonnaLadd
- Date
- 2007-12-05T17:17:16-06:00
- ID
- 115913
- Comment
Ben is overdoing it about government being the whole problem; however, he is pointing out something that Othor doesn't seem to grasp well: Farish Street is not the same as Pinnacle because Pinnacle is a private project. Tax incentives don't change that basic difference. And there is no question that politics and government officials have slowed down progress on Farish Street. Melton was trying to personally torpedo it early on. Now, that doesn't mean the developer has done everything right—but saying that it should be the same as Pinnacle is too simplistic.
- Author
- DonnaLadd
- Date
- 2007-12-05T17:21:13-06:00
- ID
- 115914
- Comment
And Othor and Kaze are right that if powerful folks get behind Farish, and stop making excuses for it OR trying to slow it down, it would move faster.
- Author
- DonnaLadd
- Date
- 2007-12-05T17:22:00-06:00
- ID
- 115915
- Comment
Othor needs to listen. His questions are good, but he's listening to refute. That never helps.
- Author
- DonnaLadd
- Date
- 2007-12-05T17:29:23-06:00
- ID
- 115916
- Comment
It's a waste of time to try to corner Allen on whether taxes are speculative. Now, though, Kaze is turning it a better direction.
- Author
- DonnaLadd
- Date
- 2007-12-05T17:30:00-06:00
- ID
- 115917
- Comment
Now, Ben is cooing over Mark Small. Of course, he never puts that into context.
- Author
- DonnaLadd
- Date
- 2007-12-05T17:31:45-06:00
- ID
- 115918
- Comment
Othor is saying that City Council voted to give Ted Duckworth a million dollars to ensure low-income housing in the Electric Building. Ben says he doesn't remember that happening. Factcheck?
- Author
- DonnaLadd
- Date
- 2007-12-05T17:35:18-06:00
- ID
- 115919
- Comment
Donna I got it..but Ben was wrong....and you don't get it....the Pinnacle is not PRIVATE...did you not hear Ben say that they got tax breaks from the city...that's "our" money..not totally a private donation...and thats what I mean when I say come clean with the whole truth....
- Author
- blkokc
- Date
- 2007-12-05T21:26:33-06:00
- ID
- 115920
- Comment
Donna never put yourself in a position to speak for me..I was listening and I understand and hear bull sh.. well. I wasn't listening to refute...I listening to ensure that my questions were answered and most of them were not!!!!
- Author
- blkokc
- Date
- 2007-12-05T21:28:21-06:00
- ID
- 115921
- Comment
Talking about tax revenues being speculative is not a waste of time. In fact trying to pass this off as agurantee is a ruse...we need to be honest...no one can ensure that this happens....it is high time that we are HONEST....and that's not trying to corner Ben nor is it a waste of time. It's real talk!!!!!
- Author
- blkokc
- Date
- 2007-12-05T21:33:07-06:00
- ID
- 115922
- Comment
Join us (Kaze, Ben and Othor) for round three on WMPR on Friday night at 8 p.m. I'll go more in detail what TIFF really means to low income people..and the smoke screen Ben delivered as it relatess to developers look for homeowners within a 25 mile radius with an average income of $55,000 I'll put that to the test Friday night. If our city gives tax breaks and uses bond money...thats our money and therefore any developer claiming that it is totally private..is far from the truth.....
- Author
- blkokc
- Date
- 2007-12-05T21:50:22-06:00
- ID
- 115923
- Comment
Othor, Pinnacle is a private company that got tax breaks as many—most?—do. There is certainly an argument to be had about the kind of tax help that should be given to private companies, but arguing that taking tax breaks doesn't make them private is, well, less than compelling. That part was indeed a waste of time when there were clearly much more to be said from all participants. (And we didn't not hear enough from Kaze. Of course, it's hard with three outspoken people on the same show!) Ben's point about public vs. private was a good one in some respect—that at least part of the reason for the slowness of Farish can be directly attributed to the fact that it's a public project. That's pretty much built into being public—but your and Kaze's point that not enough powerful people are pushing is also good. The elephant in the room that no one is talking about there is how much effort has been made by public officials (like Melton) and their supporters who don't want Farish development to happen for their own reasons. Then many of the same people turn around and start complaining when it doesn't. You can't have it both ways. Then there is the very vital question of the developers and what is and is not happening. I liked Kaze's talk about Birmingham and Performa. We'll have to look at that closer. I didn't put myself in a position of speaking for you; I criticized some of your comments. You've done that to me as well, and I'm fine with that. Debate is supposed to be messy, and it's certainly not personal. I've always liked and respected you. I definitely heard you listening to refute. When Ben answered a question in a way that didn't suit you, you didn't acknowledge and discuss his answer, but moved to an other accusation. It was rather painful to listen to, frankly, and I don't say that as someone who agreed with everything Ben said. And I say it as someone who has become aware of my own tendencies toward doing that; that's why I know the phrase! We're going to follow up on what you said about the Council paying Ted Duckworth a million dollars to put low-income housing in the Electric Building. Do you have a date on that? Or printed language?
- Author
- DonnaLadd
- Date
- 2007-12-05T21:58:18-06:00
- ID
- 115924
- Comment
Friday night, Othor, you should ask Ben to elaborate on Mark Small and his connections to Gene Phillips, and why that isn't raising more red flags.
- Author
- DonnaLadd
- Date
- 2007-12-05T22:04:53-06:00
- ID
- 115925
- Comment
Donna, That's your opinion and you are entitled to it... Kaze had every chance to speak up and of course both Ben and I made gestures for him to do just that....bottom line if developers are given any kind of incentive then as taxpayer we should have some say so....and maybe it wasn't compelling for you..but it satisfied my concerns... Debate is never personal for me..yes I have criticzed some of your comments and I'm sure I will again in the very near future....This in no way takes away the respect that I have for you and what you do.... Again thats your opinion (all be it wrong) that I was listening to refute...my questions were not answered....Ben clearly understood where I was and why..it showed in his face and his body language..but he was careful not to let too much of his dismay come across the airwaves..and if it was that painful...why not change the dial???? I will try and find that for you, but I remember it clearly that they voted to give Ted that.....
- Author
- blkokc
- Date
- 2007-12-05T22:36:39-06:00
- ID
- 115926
- Comment
Speaking of Kaze..he really did share alot and did a great job. I respect his passion, honesty and comittment. We are joining forces and hopefully this will produce soem good results!!!!! Thanks Kaze and I will see you Friday.....
- Author
- blkokc
- Date
- 2007-12-05T22:53:40-06:00
- ID
- 115927
- Comment
bottom line if developers are given any kind of incentive then as taxpayer we should have some say so Don't bait and switch, Othor. I didn't say that we should not. What I heard yesterday was Ben arguing that the pace of the two projects was, at least in part, different because one company was private and one was government. You think seemed bent on proving that Pinnacle is also a government project because they got tax incentives, rather than making a clear argument of why taxpayers should be more concerned about Pinnacle, for instance, or even actually refuting his argument of the reason behind the slowness. That's the wasted-time part. Pinnacle is a private company, and public-private pacing can be very different, regardless of tax incentives. You lost track of your own argument trying to say that Pinnacle is not a private company. Glad that debate isn't personal for you. If that is true, perhaps you will not resort to the "don't speak for me" B.S. when I criticize the way you handled an argument. Maybe we can stay focused on the issue? I didn't change the dial because I'm interested in the issue, and how it is being argued. I fear that certain very important points, which you and Kaze could articulate well, aren't being made and are lost in rhetoric. That happened yesterday, whether you see that or not. But you can build on that by being more prepared in the future and by listening more to what people are actually saying. Also, it came across on the radio as if you didn't care what the answers were; Kaze and Ben seemed very different on-air. Of course, I couldn't see body language. Now, most importantly, could you give me the date of when Council awarded Ted Duckworth a million dollars to put low-income housing in the Electric Building. I want to follow up on that right away. Thanks. Thanks Kaze and I will see you Friday..... You mean on your show? Or, are y'all coming to ours? Which we'd love you to do if you can, tomorrow or in the future.
- Author
- DonnaLadd
- Date
- 2007-12-06T09:37:41-06:00
- ID
- 115928
- Comment
Yes Donna it is important that we stay focused on the main issue at hand which is the completion of this project. Period. I do think Othor raises interesting points and necessary ones at that. I think the more the public is informed on not just the surface issues, but the nuts and bolts of this development, the harder it is for folks like JRA or anyone else to hide behind the legalese. My job I think in all this is to keep everyone grounded and on task. But its going to take a team. A team where every player has a specific area of expertise and I think Othor's knowlege on this is vital. Public or Private, doesnt matter to me. Pinnacle is getting more attention. Period. Especially being that its new compared to Farish I think with this, as I do in the hip-hop world. Promotion is the key. P.R. is the key. The more the three of us or any concerned citizen for that matter, shows up on radio trumpeting the cause of Farish the more informed the populace will be. Ill be free Friday and would love to continue it on Radio JFP because I know you have questions too. And please join us Friday night with those issues as well. Im all for a full roundtable with a huge cross-section of the community. because from the emails I ve been getting black folks, white folks, all folks want to see this done. And its a shame our ignorance and apathy have allowed this project to languish. But me personally, Im going to keep screaming until I wake the whole neighborhood up lol. we're gonna shine the light on SOMEBODY'S incompetence and something's gonna get done.
- Author
- Kamikaze
- Date
- 2007-12-06T11:18:53-06:00
- ID
- 115929
- Comment
i wasn't able to hear the radio conversation, so maybe someone can shed light on this for me. was there any conversation around the development of the community around farish st? i ask this because i really can't see development of the entertainment district without development of the surrounding community. who wants to build businesses in an area where houses are either boarded up or falling on top of themselves, with drug and prostitution issues to boot. has there been any discussion of that being a part of the reason things are so stagnant? that is squarely on the city and another reason the pinnacle is moving so much faster. also, maybe the performa contract should go into default and the development opened up to local investors instead of these national corporations with no particular vested interest in the area. just some thoughts...
- Author
- eyerah
- Date
- 2007-12-06T11:56:40-06:00
- ID
- 115930
- Comment
I talked to Ted Duckworth today. He said he did not get a grant to put low-income housing in the Electric Building as Othor stated on the show. More soon on what actually happened. I know that Othor can raise good questions, Kaze. But he needs to act more like a journalist and factcheck himself before he goes on there and spreads rumors as he is on the attack. That helps nothing.
- Author
- DonnaLadd
- Date
- 2007-12-06T14:44:23-06:00
- ID
- 115931
- Comment
OK, Kaze, you come to Radio JFP with us Friday. We'll have Othor on a different time. I want you to have time to talk and answer questions, and we only have an hour.
- Author
- DonnaLadd
- Date
- 2007-12-06T14:45:31-06:00
- ID
- 115932
- Comment
That's not a problem. The more opportunities we get to talk about this oonly helps. Ill try to get some other committee members to come on. And Othor may have turned out to be off-base with the Duckworth issue(although I still never take those guys at face value). I like his passion. And it speaks to how frustrated the average person is in that area as it pertains to Farish. It's the apathy of good men as I keep saying. African-americans here need to be more abreast of whats happening under their noses as opposed to getting mad AFTER something happens. Now is the time to get involved while we're applying pressure so that EVERYONE has opportunity downtown not just a chosen few. And you really should come on tomorrow night. It can only make it better. Ill referee LOL
- Author
- Kamikaze
- Date
- 2007-12-06T15:11:17-06:00
- ID
- 115933
- Comment
Eyerah, good question. and there IS a residential element to all of this that is being discussed right along with the entertainment piece. Infact, the first two blocks is only part of the bigger scope to revitalize the whole area. That's why its inportant to get the word out to get residents involved. They sooooo deserve it but are very frustrated. And rightfully so. Attracting businesses starts by making the area buzz. Replacing a stagnant Alamo board with fresher faces with fresher ideas is a start. Plus its not just JRA dragging tail there's an ongoing argument about what should be torn down and what should stay up. So in a sense we could be our own worst enemy at times. Darn tootin Performa should go or given a deadline so hard and fast that you'll see smoke comin up from Farish with them working 24/7 to meet it. And yes someone locally should do it. I find it hard to believe that Performa has the gall to think no one else could do the job. And shame on the city for dealing with that arrogance.
- Author
- Kamikaze
- Date
- 2007-12-06T15:20:33-06:00
- ID
- 115934
- Comment
Kaze, I do think it is really useful to air everything on these issues, including myths that may turn out to be false. I do think that we journalists should take the time to factcheck things that are easily factcheckable before spreading rumors. And I think it's vital for everyone to listen to each other and learn, and then work together for solutions. I'm so over finger-pointing. I want to see positive action and dialogue, along with honesty, on these issues. That's never really happened in Jackson across racial lines, and I think it can grow out of this. But let's keep challenging each other to be *accurate*. Also, let's remember to honor our journalistic training and allow everyone to respond to allegations, including Performa. We might even learn something from them. You never know. African-americans here need to be more abreast of whats happening under their noses as opposed to getting mad AFTER something happens. Now is the time to get involved while we're applying pressure so that EVERYONE has opportunity downtown not just a chosen few. Totally agree. And we really have to get away from a city where the Northside Sun crowd believes one thing, and the Jackson Advocate crowd believes another and never shall the twains meet. (And where some people encourage that division to, well, keep people divided). The JFP will do everything we can to help get accurate information out there, encourage smart development and challenge efforts to cut people out of the process. And we'll continue to factcheck and challenge myths so that people aren't just walking around spreading rumors, making the situation worse.
- Author
- DonnaLadd
- Date
- 2007-12-06T16:07:10-06:00
- ID
- 115935
- Comment
Donna is not allowed to join us at WMPR...I'm done with her insults...Donna did you fact check or just take Ted at his word. Who do you really think you are? You think because Donna says it ..then its gospel..give me a break.....You do not sppeak for African AMericans in this city....and it does become personal with your insults....you do not have all the answers......I'm done!!!!
- Author
- blkokc
- Date
- 2007-12-06T18:23:46-06:00
- ID
- 115936
- Comment
you can't tell me how to act..just as I can't you...who do you think you are???/I want no part of your show...this is not a publicity stomp for me..this is about real information affecting real people in this city. Ted said and that's the gospel...factcheck yourself.
- Author
- blkokc
- Date
- 2007-12-06T18:25:40-06:00
- ID
- 115937
- Comment
Don't worry, Othor, I have other plans. ;-) And I didn't "insult" you; I thought you didn't take being criticized personally. Actually, I'm waiting for you to provide me materials to factcheck your accusation, being that you made it; I asked you for the date already. I've also asked Ben and Ted to provide more details about what actually happened. They're assembling stuff for me; I'd love to see your backup materials as well. Are you sure you didn't make a mistake on the facts? It happens. And it's not an "insult" if someone asks you to back up your accusations of other people. I know you know that. I'm not trying to "speak for African Americans," Othor. I'm trying to speak on behalf of Jackson, and to facilitate a dialogue among diverse people with different ideas. Part of that is exploding myths and checking out statements that people make about other people.
- Author
- DonnaLadd
- Date
- 2007-12-06T18:28:39-06:00
- ID
- 115938
- Comment
I'm not telling you how to act. I'm asking you to back up your statements. I know you a lot better than I do Ted. I'm not playing favorites with him. If he said publicly that you took a million dollars to do something that you haven't done, I'd challenge him to back it up as well.
- Author
- DonnaLadd
- Date
- 2007-12-06T18:29:04-06:00
- ID
- 115939
- Comment
you will not take over this conversation about what's happening in this city.....I like the way you just invited yourself in....you are not the begin all and end all with what's happening in this city.....
- Author
- blkokc
- Date
- 2007-12-06T18:40:59-06:00
- ID
- 115940
- Comment
you are not the faciltator in these discussions...you are not GOD!!!!! There is a difference between being critical and making outlandish statements as you've done here.....but enough already..you have your views and I have mine.....you are a reporter..you can search public records just as I can...get busy, if you really want to uncover something......
- Author
- blkokc
- Date
- 2007-12-06T18:45:52-06:00
- ID
- 115941
- Comment
you automatically assumed what I said was just a rumor after you talked with Ted...read your previous post. You can't have it both ways.....
- Author
- blkokc
- Date
- 2007-12-06T18:47:32-06:00
- ID
- 115942
- Comment
Othor, of course I'm not God. None of us are. We are all doing the same thing here—trying to have a conversation. I didn't actually "invite" myself into this conversation; it started on my Web site, and then y'all moved it onto Ben's show, and it is continuing here as well. I'm really happy that happened. I'm not sure which "outlandish" statements you mean, but I know you're typing out of emotion right now, which we all do occasionally. The truth is, Othor, that your statement about the million given to Duckworth for low-income housing sounded like a rumor to me before I talked to Ben or Ted about it. That's not typically how it works, as I understand it—tax credits, yes. Giving a million dollars in exchange for low-income housing, I'm not as familiar with. I didn't assume it was a rumor, though. I assumed it was something to look into. I asked you here to provide a date or other information before I ever talked to either Allen or Duckworth about it. If you proved it to be true, and he got a million to do something he hadn't, we'd do a story about it. So far, it doesn't seem to be checking out, though, although if it does still, we'll report it. So I still invite you to provide further detail about it. As I said, I'm asking Duckworth to provide background on what he actually got; it doesn't sound like it will be all that hard to get to the bottom of. If you're making the allegation, and seem to be the only one who knows anything about it, it sounds like you would want to prove that the allegation is true, right? I'm not asking you to adhere to any different of a standard than I would anyone else, including Ben, et al. (As you know, he's gotten pretty ticked off at me here as well; I'm rather used to people getting pissed at me for challenging them, and I don't mind it. I hang the moon when I'm agreeing with people, but some people do not like to be disagreed with.) You will note that I'm not angry with you, and I've tried to not make this personal at all as you've done. I've always thought you offer a lot to the community, and my comments are meant as constructive criticism to ensure that your comments are taken seriously and don't hurt your endeavors. I apologize if that hurt your feelings. But it is no different response than I would have with anyone.
- Author
- DonnaLadd
- Date
- 2007-12-06T22:44:01-06:00
- ID
- 115943
- Comment
Donna, This will be my last post on this thread...I'm exhausted..this time, I will take you line for line: I wish you would shut up and listen to what was actually said..instead of as you say listening to "refute." What I said was a million dollars was given to Ted by the council to give low-to-moderate income families an opportunity to apply for dwellings in that building. This was HUD money...as a journalist, you know that HUD has stipulations. I will not do your work for you...you figure that one out!!!!!You used the word exchange...I never said that..and you do that alot...put words in other folks mouths.... For me, I never mind someone disagreeing with me..but when you disagree you seem to speak with all authority...saying I wasn't prepared, I listened to refute, what I was saying wasn't compelling...that's how you as one person felt...and you are entitled to that...but that damn sure doesn't make it right...do you get that???? I don't need you to defend me nor my comments and if you don't take them seriously thats you.....alot of people do. I don't simply toss out rumors dear.....and even if I say someth9ing and my information ends up false or inaccurate...I know how to right a wrong!!!! All I'm simply saying to you...you are not an expert on every subject matter....it is not up to you to decide what is right or wrong...It would behoove you to read all of your posts and look at the assumptions and accusations that you made. Don't give me that B.S. about taking things personal or typing out of emotions..thats bull and you know it.....do your homework. Simply because I don't subscribe to the Donna Ladd way of thinking..does that really make me WRONG????
- Author
- blkokc
- Date
- 2007-12-06T23:12:42-06:00
- ID
- 115944
- Comment
You wish I would "shut up"? Othor. Well. Othor, I know what you said, and I know what HUD money is, although I don't claim to be an expert on it (in fact, the only thing I'd claim expertise on, really, is reporting, writing and journalistic ethics, including factchecking, which is what this is about). And my comments above in no way tried to bring you around to my way of thinking. You're really making stuff up now. My suggestion is that you take being challenged a bit less seriously and emotionally. What I said is above for everyone to see, and I really didn't emasculate you as you seem to be implying here. I asked you to back up your statements and said that you did not listen or respond to much of what Allen actually said. You acted there, frankly, like you're acting here, and this is a side of you I have not seen. I believe you can do better and be a leader if you are careful about accuracy and try not to make everything so personal. Take that suggestion or leave it, but it is my choice to make it. And on that note, this thread has devolved enough. I know you have a blog. Feel free to continue it over there. Also, don't ever tell me to "shut up" again.
- Author
- DonnaLadd
- Date
- 2007-12-06T23:19:20-06:00
- ID
- 115945
- Comment
but maybe just maybe you really should!!!!! because I didn't tell you to shut up, I said I wished you would...there you go again, trying to suggest that I said something that I didn't......now this time I'm done....for REAL......
- Author
- blkokc
- Date
- 2007-12-06T23:44:53-06:00
- ID
- 115946
- Comment
It's the two words "shut up" that are the problem, Othor. But I can see that you want respect without giving it. You will note that all of our comments are posted above; I don't need to "suggest" what you said to anyone, or what I said. Everyone can read for themselves. Take care of yourself.
- Author
- DonnaLadd
- Date
- 2007-12-06T23:50:51-06:00
- ID
- 115947
- Comment
UM... so what radio station should I tune into to hear the debate with Ben?
- Author
- Concerned in Jacktown
- Date
- 2007-12-07T09:56:20-06:00
- ID
- 115948
- Comment
Tune into Radio JFP today at noon WLEZ 103.7..For more on this issue and then tonight 8pm WMPR 90.1. We're going full blast on getting the info about Farish Street out there.
- Author
- Kamikaze
- Date
- 2007-12-07T10:17:13-06:00
- ID
- 115949
- Comment
...And what the hell? LOL What did this turn into. Got a little heated I see. Ive got to say though Donna(and not taking any sides here please:-) Im not inclined to believe anything that anybody who's had a hand in downtown so far says. If he(Duckworth) produces the paperwork...fine. If Othor does fine. But because of the shady biz thats been going on down there for years. Ill have to see it before I let them off the hook.To me, the burden of proof falls on their shoulders in this issue. If you're being above board, if this is truly a project that ALL people will be able to benefit from, prove it. Until then, Im going to believe that your intentions are duplicitous in nature. You guys kiss and make up:-) You're on the same side
- Author
- Kamikaze
- Date
- 2007-12-07T10:23:33-06:00
- ID
- 115950
- Comment
Kaze, I'm not mad at Othor. I've said nothing more to him than you and I have done to each other over the years. I challenged and criticized in a constructive way, and he took it very personally. I still like him and respect what he's done in the community, and I know his heart is in the right place here. The problem here, as you know as a former journalist, is that if you allege something against someone, it is your responsibility to prove it. All I've asked from Othor is a date, documents, a link, ANYTHING to back up what he is saying because it a serious accusation that someone got money to do something they haven't done. If it is true, we will report on it. If it is not, he should apologize and issue a correction. This is the same standard that we all follow every single day. Concerned, I don't think it's billed as a debate, but Ben and Kaze are joining Othor on WMPR 90.5 tonight (Friday), I think at 8. (In Tisdale's old slot, right?) Kaze with join Todd and me on Radio JFP today at noon.
- Author
- DonnaLadd
- Date
- 2007-12-07T10:31:51-06:00
- ID
- 115951
- Comment
That's 90.1..:-) amd m going to bring in Harold Lathan hopefully. He's the chair of the Mayor's ad-hoc committee on Farish and the point person put in place to watchdog this Farish thing. He can shed some more light on things as well. Should be informative so tune in at noon.
- Author
- Kamikaze
- Date
- 2007-12-07T10:39:00-06:00
- ID
- 115952
- Comment
I must need coffee. I looked up WMPR's call number to be sure and still typed it wrong. Sorry. ;-) I love it when a million people crowd into that little control room! Oh, you mean bringing Lathan today? That's cool. Maybe I should bring Adam, being that he knows the most about it from our direction so far.
- Author
- DonnaLadd
- Date
- 2007-12-07T10:45:41-06:00
- ID
- 115953
- Comment
An update on the Duckworth controversy above: I got documents from him today that show that the HUD CDBG (Community Development Block Grant) funds he got wasn't about putting low-income housing in the building. It was about job creation and retention; he has to file a report every quarter, I believe he said, to show that he is in compliance with the terms of the grant. Thus, unless someone can produce documents showing a different HUD grant to Duckworth, which he says he has not gotten, it is not true that he got a million dollars from the City Council to give low-to-moderate income families an opportunity to apply for dwellings in the Electric Building. The grant has nothing to do with housing.
- Author
- DonnaLadd
- Date
- 2007-12-07T17:44:10-06:00
- ID
- 115954
- Comment
Will PDF and post Monday at the latest, so keep an eye out.
- Author
- DonnaLadd
- Date
- 2007-12-07T17:44:40-06:00
- ID
- 115955
- Comment
P.S. The documents are signed by Terri Lee, deputy director of the Office of Housing and Community Development from the city.
- Author
- DonnaLadd
- Date
- 2007-12-07T17:53:03-06:00
- ID
- 115956
- Comment
Here's the PDF: Duckworth Letter
- Author
- Todd Stauffer
- Date
- 2007-12-07T18:41:22-06:00
- ID
- 115957
- Comment
Is someone recording the MPR show tonight?
- Author
- DonnaLadd
- Date
- 2007-12-07T18:57:30-06:00
- ID
- 115958
- Comment
BTW, just so everyone knows how I obtained the documentation on Duckworth's grant: I e-mailed him and asked for it. I was at a meeting at Downtown Partners, and he saw me and then sent his assistant over with the copy. I then left it there, and asked Ben Allen to fax it to me. Thus here it is. It was no great investigative feat, but it does show that the HUD grant for the Electric Building wasn't for low-income housing. At this point, I'm done on this point until and unless someone produces documentation to back up the serious accusation that Duckworth received a different HUD grant to put low-income housing in the Electric Building and then hasn't done it. I don't believe that evidence is forthcoming, not because I have some affinity for Duckworth, but because it wouldn't make a lick of sense for him to lie about something that is easily available in public record. It is up to people making allegations to be able and willing to back them up, not just throw out innuendo and say that the accused has to prove them wrong.
- Author
- DonnaLadd
- Date
- 2007-12-07T19:29:48-06:00
- ID
- 115959
- Comment
I'm surprised to hear that Othor has not addressed the accuracy of his accusation yet on the radio show. Instead, he took a swipe at my "crap" about facilitating, with no context, of course, of what I was talking about. Sigh. I think it's time for dinner. Kaze is sounding great, though. He gets better every time he takes the mic.
- Author
- DonnaLadd
- Date
- 2007-12-07T20:19:15-06:00
- ID
- 115960
- Comment
OK, I'm still here. ;-) Ben is repeating something we talked about earlier: It is time to pressure JRA to force a timetable from Performa. This is good stuff. I think something is going to grow out of this. Good to hear that Marshand is pointing out that the mayor has not held up his end on JRA.
- Author
- DonnaLadd
- Date
- 2007-12-07T20:26:29-06:00
- ID
- 115961
- Comment
Othor just ended the show stating there there is indeed a stipulation for low- and moderate income housing in Duckworth's grants (saying now that it's the Library building instead of the Electric Building), and then cut the mic before Allen could respond further, leaving it hanging out there as if it was confirmed fact. However I called Marshand right after the show ended, and he said that he had told Othor earlier tonight that Duckworth definitely did not have a HUD grant involving housing for the Electric Building, but that he "might" have a HUD 108 grant for the Library Lofts building he's doing (which is not done), which would stipulate a certain amount of low or moderate-income housing. Marshand said that Othor has filed an open-records request, but has no documents proving it one way or the other at this time, and he (Marshand) will get the documentation Monday because he's not sure. He told me: "You're right. We don't want to put bad information out." Duckworth said today that he is not involved in any low-income housing, although I did not ask him specifically about the Library Lofts because that is not what Othor has been alleging. Stay tuned for an update on this by Monday. Hopefully, we can figure out what's real and what isn't. It's also unclear how Othor's original complaint that Duckworth had a HUD grant requiring housing that he hasn't delivered would still be relevant about the Library building, being that it's not done yet, but that's a question for another day. This was, overall, a good show, save the cheap stunt at the end. It sounds like progress is going to be made on Farish pressure, and we welcome Brent Alexander to Radio JFP next Friday to discuss this further. The radio-show tag team between us all is pretty funny. EVerybody's got a radio show, it seems. ;-)
- Author
- DonnaLadd
- Date
- 2007-12-07T21:26:56-06:00
- ID
- 115962
- Comment
Overall the show was good. We're making positive yardage now and thats a good thing. when ya shake the trees, leaves will most certainly fall. and if Brent does come on, Id like to be there or have Harold sit in Friday. this will only come to a head when EVERYONE involved(especially JRA) decides to sit at the table and look everyone else in the eye. Be accountable. simple as that. If we present viable options and have council support Brent..WILL YOU THEN FIRE PERFORMA. Thats it.
- Author
- Kamikaze
- Date
- 2007-12-08T10:55:10-06:00
- ID
- 115963
- Comment
No, for the show Friday, Todd and I will interview Brent and anyone from JRA. That's fair turnabout, considering the tenor of the show Friday. However, you're welcome to suggest questions.
- Author
- DonnaLadd
- Date
- 2007-12-08T23:02:37-06:00
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