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OPINION: Hello, Cindy, We See You on Women's Health and Abortion

These past weeks Cindy Hyde-Smith has done a great job of yelling "abortion, abortion, abortion" every chance she gets, but the truth is that abortion is not at issue here.

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OPINION: Mississippi Women's Activist—Bernie Sanders Can't Come to the Cookout

"This town hall isn't special; they are taking the usual Bernie town hall and putting Martin Luther King's name on it. It's glaringly obvious, offensive and frankly it is just …

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OPINION: Justice Against Sexual Violence

My middle daughter has always been one of my most outgoing and ambitious children. She was so proud of her uniform and of getting this job all on her own.

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OPINION: Domestic Violence is the Problem

Domestic abusers all over the country gun down family members they blame for their problems every day. They take children and bystanders with them.

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Dear Pam: Stay in Your Lane

If a so-called activist organization doesn't have the analysis to look at how their suggestions play out for people across income, race, disability and regional lines, then I suggest they …

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Safe in Our Own ‘Castles’

One of the last places I want to find myself when traveling with my family is on the side of dark stretch of freeway with flashing lights behind me.

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Kingston’s Death: The Tragedy It Is

I can't speak for Kingston Frazier's mama, but I know what it's like to be a black single mama who's judged because your child was a victim of a crime.

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Another Do-Nothing Legislature?

For the past four years, I have read almost every bill presented to the House and Senate, and most of them are complete and utter nonsense.

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Kuumba and Imani to You

My family and I have been celebrating Kwanzaa for 11 years as of this year. In 2003, I decided my family was going to have our first Kwanzaa after researching …

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I’m Here, and I Can’t Breathe

I wanted to write a warmer, fuzzier column. I'm sorry, but my conscience won't let me. We're in the midst of a national moment, so warmer and fuzzier can wait; …

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Mr. Barbour, Stop Insulting Black People

A few days ago I popped on the Jackson Free Press website to see what's going on in the city and noticed the interview with Ward 1 County Supervisor candidate …

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Courting Dixiecrat Votes

This election season has been exceedingly disappointing to me as a liberal. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would see a Democratic candidate sign a pledge from …

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Stop Blaming the Victims

In the past few weeks, I have watched countless victim blamers come out to ask why Ray Rice's wife, Janay, stayed rather than focused on his violence. The truth is, …

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I Hold My Son Close

Black mothers do not have reproductive justice. If we choose to parent, we have a long list of things to protect our children from.

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That’s Not How Pregnancy Works

Sit back for a moment and think back to the long gone days of 2011. That was the year many of us were either working to ensure Initiative 26 (better …

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Step Up on LGBT Rights, City of Jackson

I am wondering how it is that Waveland just became the seventh city in Mississippi to pass a diversity resolution acknowledging that LGBT citizens are a valued part of their …

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Teen Pregnancy, Misunderstood

It takes a lot of courage for teens to go to a clinic. Shaming them when they get there doesn't encourage them to come back or tell their friends it's …

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Whole, Fulfilled, Loved

Standing on the playground that day, it was clear I liked the little blonde girl who was playing in front of me. It wasn't in a "I want to be …

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In Love of Humanity

Change, like time, has no care for how you feel or if you are ready for it. It shows up when it wants and makes itself known. We must choose …

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We Don’t Need Another Hero, Jackson

As we are faced with the challenge of moving forward after the loss of Mayor Lumumba, I recognize the appeal of being told there is someone who can save us. …
