Documents for March 2015 | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

Documents for March 2015


Raftelis Siemens Guarantee

Raftelis Financial Consultants' review of the Siemens performance guarantee.

Siemens Performance Contract

The city of Jackson's $91 million energy performance contract with Siemens.

What Is The School-to-Prison Pipeline?

The American Civil Liberties Union examines the school-to-prison pipeline.

Testing, Crime and Punishment

"Testing, Crime and Punishment" looks at the correlation between suspension and high-stakes testing.

NSBA Policy Guide

The National School Board Association looks at the effects of out-of-school suspension and recommends that school boards help eliminate suspension in its schools.

Zero Tolerance Practices, Policies and Paradigms in the State of Mississippi

The Children's Defense Fund researched zero tolerance school policies in Mississippi and compiled its findings.

U.S. Department of Justice Complaint Against Meridian

The U.S. Department of Justice filed suit against the City of Meridian for its involvement in a school-to-prison pipeline.

Are We Closing The Discipline Gap?

UCLA's Civil Rights Project released a February 2015 report showing school suspension disparity across the country.

1-Percent Tax Infrastructure Master Plan

"An Integrated Plan for Sustainable Infrastructure Improvements and Regulatory Compliance."