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Civil Rights

Recognizing Racial Injustice in Incarceration

Criminal-justice reforms are not only necessary for cost savings to the state but also a necessity to work toward a more equitable justice system.

Tease photo National

Stinker Quote of the Week: 'Ridiculous'

Donald Trump's refusal to be concerned about the potential of a foreign power trying to influence U.S. elections is stunning.


Data Needed to Change Young People’s Lives

In order to solve a problem, you have to understand it fully. Just ask the state of Georgia, which used data to discover that detention wasn't working for its young …


Time to Do Away with the Electoral College

Several protesters stood in a line outside the Mississippi Capitol on Dec. 16 chanting "Brief the electors; send it to the House!" They were primarily protesting the Electoral College, the …


Start Running Government Like a Business

Whether from Donald Trump or the GOP supermajority in the Mississippi Legislature, we hear constantly that Republicans want to "run government like a business." The problem is that many of …

Tease photo Education

Stinker Quote of the Week: 'Confusing'

While the state’s education formula should be transparent and efficient, calling MAEP confusing while simultaneously not admitting that the Legislature cannot fully fund it due to shrinking revenue and budget …

City & County

Stop Justifying Execution of Children, Car Thieves

We live in a culture where many say it is appropriate to march a weapon out of your home and office if you suspect someone is trying to steal your …


Leg, No Time to Wait for Trump on Transportation

Most lawmakers know infrastructure is a problem, but many dodge the question of how to fund solutions.


It’s Math, Governor. Tax Cuts Hurt Revenue.

One of the key elements missing in discussions of Gov. Phil Bryant's recent budget cuts, the second wave of cuts in the State's current fiscal year, is the 40-plus tax …

City & County

Legislators, Get the City’s Infrastructure Bill Right

The City of Jackson gets another chance at an infrastructure revitalization bill this session, but the additions that led to the death of last year's Capitol Complex bill hang heavy …

Tease photo Editorial

The Problem with EdBuild

There has been much hoopla this legislative session over the 80-page proposal from EdBuild suggesting that Mississippi move to weighted student funding to pay for its public-education system.

Tease photo Business

Jackson Developers: Involve Locals in Decisions Early

As long as developers are following zoning and city codes, it's within their right to build. Just because you can do something, however, does not mean you should.

Tease photo Editorial

Mississippi Lawmakers, Lead on Health Care

Congress let the Children's Health Insurance Program, which insures kids who come from low-income families but are not eligible for Medicaid, expire last week. Now lawmakers are scrambling to renew …

Tease photo Crime

Stinker Quote of the Week: 'Don't Be Too Nice'

At a New York event last week meant to bring awareness to MS-13 gang activities and his administration's efforts to eliminate criminal cartels, President Donald Trump encouraged officers to not …

Tease photo Editorial

Cheers to Bipartisan Common Sense

Both in Congress and on a state level, bipartisanship is critical to ensure that all Americans and Mississippians have access to affordable health care regardless of their ZIP code, income, …

Tease photo Editorial

We Must Treat All Addiction, Addicts the Same

If addiction truly is an illness, like so many lawmakers are now saying, it is time to take a look at how we're treating potential addicts serving decades-long sentences behind …

Tease photo Civil Rights

Stinker Quote of the Week: 'More Monuments'

Celebrating the progress the country has made with erecting "more monuments" completely ignores the fact that white supremacy is exactly what has preserved Confederate statues and inspires those that rally …

Tease photo Crime

Prison Beds Not Based on Reading Scores, But ...

Educational deficiencies, especially when coupled with poverty or trauma, do increase the risk of crime later. It's important, though, to break down the various pieces of the puzzle to find …

Tease photo Business

The Dollars and Sense Needed to Fund Infrastructure

You can't have your cake and eat it, too, as the old proverb goes. Similarly, you can't cut taxes and increase them, too.

Tease photo Domestic Violence

Stinker Quote of the Week: 'Disservice'

Rolling back protections for survivors does nothing but push women back into a culture of silence, surviving sexual assault with no protections or avenues to justice at their universities.
