May 15, 2013
Stories this photo appears in:

Mississippi’s Gumbo
Mississippi has always had a diverse group of people. Think of an ethnic group and, in all likelihood, its people reside here. Though their numbers may be smaller, all of …

Nothing New in 41
Mississippi does need more education around reproductive health. Most of us fighting "personhood round one" found that many people didn't have a good grasp on how reproduction and birth control …

Leading and Loving
As an activist (and a real-life poor person), I am offended when I have to deal with classism within the liberal political and social-justice organizations I work with.

The Swimsuit Body
I challenge myself to question the judgments I make about people, including what makes people attractive, and why I think someone should or shouldn't wear something.

Who's Moral Now?
In my last column, I wrote about the importance of Medicaid expansion to our state--and specifically to me. Sometimes we pay a price for publicly sharing a story; my price …

A Dangerous Game
Rarely does a two-day period go by that I don't get a Facebook message or email asking about how to apply for Medicaid or where to access free or low-cost …

Let's Clean House
As we move forward as a city and a state, it's time we discussed the difference between blame and accountability.
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