No Pomp, Lots of Circumstance | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

No Pomp, Lots of Circumstance

Today marks my last day of online classes at the Art Institute of Pittsburgh, where I've spend the last three years studying graphic design. I won't fly to Pittsburgh next month for the graduation ceremony, but I'll be pleased as punch when my associate's degree arrives in the mail.

I wanted to work in the graphic arts since I was in junior high, but I wasn't sure if I could earn a living from it. I was afraid of being broke, penniless and without money, but since it happened anyway, I could have just done what I wanted to do in the first place (end sarcasm).

Anyway, I had to sacrifice a lot of time and energy to attend school online, and anyone that says that going to school online is easier than a traditional classroom has absolutely no idea what he or she is talking about. I lost just as much sleep and gained just as much weight as when I walked the grounds of Tougaloo College. Online courses are usually shorter, so the deadlines come quickly and falling behind in one assignment can cause a chain reaction. Yes, I procrastinated occasionally (ahem), but for the most part, I did my best to stay organized and asked questions early when I didn't understand something. My advice to online students is to review coursework early and pretend that each due date is the day before the actual date. That way, if something goes awry, like a power outage or an ER visit, you will still be ahead of the game.

I have just finished assembling my portfolio of all my graphic design work from class, and you are welcome to review it at Enjoy!

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