The Fall Arts Preview: The Better Angels | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

The Fall Arts Preview: The Better Angels


I get so bored when I hear people say, "There's nothing to do in Jackson." What's even more annoying is when those same people make claims that if they were "in … [insert larger city name here] …" they would have plenty to do. There may be bigger venues and more famous artists elsewhere, but come on … there are plenty of things to do and see right here in Jackson.

While it's clearly not New York, Jackson contains a flourishing artistic community—from visual arts to music and dance, and from literature to fine crafts. And like every city, our artists need support from the local community to survive and thrive. After all, if we don't support the arts locally, what future does our arts scene have?

According to Lawrence Quinn, a local muralist, there's certainly no lack of artists in the city, but a community of artists is difficult to come by. "It's like a cloud. When you try to put your hands on it, it dissipates," he says.

Part of the reason, he believes, is that Jackson is a "car town"—artists are spread out, and they have few chances to vibe with one another. Artists also tend to be solitary non-joiners, but with more and more events like Fondren's ARTMix, artists are becoming easier to find. On the first Thursday of each month from September to March, artists and others can gather in Fondren to display their work, and to develop relationships among themselves and potential patrons. Similar group and neighborhood venues are springing up all over the Jackson area, from the Belhaven Market's live music, to Clinton's Fall Fest and Pearl's Diamond 'n Pearl Art and Music Festival, you'll find more choices than ever, and it's great to see.

Sherman Nunn Abdur-Razzaq, lead drummer in the Afrocentrick Dance Ensemble, says that Jackson is fertile ground for artists to create important relationships. "As the diversity of Jackson and the state continues to grow, it's only natural that the cultural landscape (does too)," he says. Each time people are exposed to art, they are creatively and intellectually stimulated.

The Jackson area certainly has numerous venues for arts of all kinds, from museums and galleries, to its many music clubs and theatre troupes. You only have to look a little to find an art event to pique your curiosity.

Betsy Bradley, director of the Mississippi Museum of Art says, "Art invites you to have conversations with strangers about difficult issues."

For this reason, among others, David Keary, artistic director of Ballet Mississippi, agrees. "The arts continue to be important to our community, enriching both those who participate as audiences and those who perform on stage," he says.

Artists—both visual and performing—leave areas where they're not supported, often on the advice of others. Surely, you've heard someone say, "If you're going to be successful doing that, you're going to have to move." Maybe you've said it yourself. It's an outdated state of mind that we change each time we embrace the art available right here, and when we make concerted efforts to do even more.

Art can foster a sense of unity, not only for artists, but for everyone in the community. A prime example is the mural Quinn painted outside the historic Smith Robertson Museum. Before he began the project, there was concern that it might be defaced. He knew quickly after beginning work that it would be safe, because a small group of homeless men liked what the artist was doing. They promised him that they'd protect his work. There, art brought a sense of ownership, humanity and pride.

Art "adds a fingerprint to a city," Quinn says.

I wonder what Jackson's artistic fingerprint looks like from the outside?

Kathy Taylor, artist and high school art teacher, says: "For the (artistic) future in Mississippi to be bright, we have to make it known that art is not for an elite few. It is for everyone. Creative thought makes us better problem solvers, better legislators, better bricklayers (and) better surgeons—not just better artists."

So, Jackson, here are just some of the ways you can get those creative thoughts bubbling this fall. You and Jackson will be better off for it, we guarantee.

Exhibits and Openings
Mississippi Museum of Art "GladRags: Sketches, Swatches and Costume Designs by Myrna Colley-Lee," through Oct. 15. Miss. Watercolor Society Grand National Exhibit through Jan. 7 - Opening reception Oct. 8, 2-4 p.m. Through Oct. 15, New York artist Marylyn Dintenfass: painter, printmaker and sculptor, whose works are infused with an organic, abstract sensibility. "Kids Reconstruct with Creativity" exhibit. Sept. 23-Dec. 3, "What Dogs Dream: Paintings and Works on Paper" by William Dunlap. Oct. 7-Jan 7." Dec. 19-April 1, Mississippi Invitational. Unburied Treasure series, through December. 601-960-1515.

Attic Gallery 35th Anniversary Opening Reception, Fri., Oct. 6, 7 p.m. "35 Years in the Attic," a show created by 36 artists who have been connected to the gallery over the years. 1101 Washington St., Vicksburg. 601-638-9221.

Jazz, Art, and Friends Enjoy cocktails, listen to live jazz. Cash bar and free hors d'oeuvres. Thus. Sept. 28, Abide Owens-Sabir is featured. And Oct. 26, Animal Farm. Both months, the event lasts from 6-9 p.m. Mississippi Museum of Art, $7. 601-960-1515.

Eudora Welty Library features "Figures and Forms in Nature" by Lori Felix during the month of October. 300 North State St. 601-968-5801.

Fondren ARTMix First Thursday each month, beginning Sept. 7. through March, 5-9 p.m. Sept. 7: Fondren is putting on its best for the first ARTMix of the season. Come out for food, fun, friends, and lots of great things to see and buy. 601-981-9606.

The Art of State 3310 N. State St. Camp Best, Richard Stowe, Rainey Latham, Dottie Prestell, Melissa Goff. 601-362-9874.

The Attic Gallery 35th Anniversary Opening Reception Fri., Oct. 6, 7 p.m. "35 Years in the Attic." Paintings, jewelry, metal sculpture and new works by Jimmy Pitts, Kennith Humphrey, Lee Washington, David Baum and more. 1101 Washington St., Vicksburg. 601-638-9221.

Belhaven College Bessie Cary Lemly Gallery Hood Library, Belhaven. Irby Visual Arts Gallery: Miss. Artists Showcase Oct. 3-Dec. 1. Reception Oct. 3, 6-8 p.m. 601-968-5948.

Brown's Fine Art 630 Fondren Pl. Edwina Goodman, photography by David Adams, Fused Glass by Banjo Moon Studio (Billy and Marianne Wynn and Sean Guy), new work by Greg Gustafson, Andrew Bucci, Jackie Meena, Sharon Richardson, Elizabeth Johnson, James Josey, Ann Barron, Dick Temple, Ellen Langford. Mon.-Sat. 10-5 p.m. 601-982-4844.

Bryant Galleries 3010 Lakeland Cove, Suite A, Flowood. Behind Designer Shoe Warehouse. 601-932-5099. Haitian Collection, Mersad Berber, Alvaro, David Lambert, Leonard Nierman and others. Mon.-Fri., 10-5 p.m.

Cat Head Delta Blues & Folk Art 252 Delta Avenue, Clarksdale. Blues-influenced folk/outsider art, blues CDs. Two blocks from Blues Museum. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-Sat. 662-624-5992.

The Cedars "Mac and Andy at the Cedars," opening reception for 21 leading Gulf Coast artists who received this year's special Andy Warhol Foundation Grants, given to artists who lost their possessions in Hurricane Katrina. Sept. 21. 601-981-9606.

Chimneyville Crafts Gallery Works by 400 members of the Mississippi Craftsman's Guild. Ag Museum, 1150 Lakeland Drive. Demos Every Sat. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. March-Oct. 601-981-2499.

Colorwheeler Designs Gallery 403 Pebble Brook Dr, Clinton. Gift items/paintings by Michele Campbell. By appt. 601-278-9625.

Crafter's Touch 304 Government St., Brandon. Tues.-Sat., 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Arts and crafts by 50 area artists. 601-825-5080.

Ellen Langford Studio Mon./Fri., 9 a.m.-4 p.m.; Tues./ Thurs., 9 a.m.-6 p.m., or by appt. 530 Taylor St. 601-316-2944.

Eric McDonald Studio and Gallery 5156 Saratoga Drive. Maritime, landscape and oil portraits by appt. 601-956-2375.

Eudora Welty House Museum & Garden 1119 Pinehurst St., Wed.-Fri, 9-11 a.m. and 1-3 p.m. $5, $3 students. 601-353-7762.

Fondren Traders 2807 Old Canton Rd. Inside Rainbow Co-op. Metal yard art, handmade jewelry and works by area artists. 601-362-9994.

Gaddis Group Studio 2961 N. State St., Suite 206, Fondren Corner Building. Working studio by 25 area artists. Tues.-Sat, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. 601-368-9522.

Gallery 119/Article 3017 N. State St. Mod furniture boutique and gallery of area/regional art by Wayne Packer, Ed Millet, black and white photos by Leslie Addison, George Yerger. 601-366-5141.
H.C. Porter Gallery 1216 Washington St. Vicksburg. "Backyards and Beyond: Mississippians and their Stories." 601-661-9444.

Imagine Gallery 596 Hwy. 51, Ridgeland. Works by professional Miss. Artists and Craftsmen. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Tues.-Sun. Workshops for children and adults monthly in Pine Needle Basketry, Screen Art, Silversmithing, Native American Beadwork, Reed Basketry, Batik on Silk, Ukrainian Eggs, Corn Shuck Dolls. 601-898-8127 or 601-720-1551.

Ink Spot Gallery and Tattoo Parlor Capitol St., Downtown. "Tattoo Across America," by Jake la Botz. Boltz is a musician who tours shows in tattoo parlors in the U.S. and is making a documentary film out of the trip. Fri., Oct. 13. In late October, the gallery hosts Ink Spot Halloween Show, a costume party featuring art by gallery employees. Also, hosting a One Man Band Off, Nov. 1.

International Museum of Muslim Cultures 117 Pascagoula St. African and Islamic artifacts, ancient manuscripts, artistry, and craftsmanship. Adults, $7; children/seniors, $4. Mon-Thurs., 9:30 a.m.-5 p.m.; Fri. and Sat., 9:30 a.m.-noon. 601-960-0440.

Jim Henson Exhibit Leland, Miss. Birthplace of Kermit the Frog. Free. 10 a.m.-4 p.m., Mon.-Sat.; 2-5 p.m., Sun. Half mile west of Hwy 82/61 intersection on Deer Creek. 662-686-2687.

Jackson State University Liberal Art Gallery Dollye Robinson Building. Free. JSU Annual Faculty Show Sept. 12-Oct. 6. Opening Reception Sept. 12, 4-6 p.m. 601-979-2395.

Jackson Street Gallery Over 60 Miss. artists represented. Martha Andre, Cecilia Baker, Bewey Bowden, Tina Bradford, Grace Buchanan, Sally Phillips Buffington, Susan Cox Davis, Mandy Ellard, Pryor Graeber and more. Trace Station Shopping Center, 500 Hwy. 51, Suite E, Ridgeland. Mon.-Fri., 10 a.m.-6 p.m. and Sat. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. 601-853-1880.

Josh Hailey Studio and Gallery Old alternative method photographs to digitally manipulated prints and Ceramics. Fondren Corner Building, 3rd floor, Suite 333, 2906 N. State St. By appt. 601-214-2068.

Lauren Rogers Museum of Art 565 N. 5th St. Laurel. Tues.-Sat., 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Native American Woven Works. 601-649-6374.

Lea Barton Studio Paintings, prints, photos, by appt. 672 Cedar Hill Rd., Flora 601-853-2478.

Lott-Stanton Gallery N. State St. across from Millsaps. Sylvia Stanton, Sally Edwards, Emmy Murowski and Harry Day, along with clothes designer Sami Lott. Tues.-Sat, 1-6 p.m.

Manship House Museum Learn about life in the 19th century through crafts and hands-on activities. Workshops for ages 5-12. 420 Fortification St. Free. RSVP 601-961-4724.

Marie Hull Gallery Hinds Community College, Denton Art Building, Raymond. 601-857-3275.

Millsaps College Lewis Art Gallery Mon.-Fri., 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Thir Floor, Millsaps Academic Complex. Anne Pearce, instructor of art and director of the Greenlease Gallery at Rockhurst University , will exhibit a new series of drawings, prints and mixed media on paper, through Sept. 22. 601-974-1431.

Mississippi Agriculture and Forestry Museum Mon.-Sat., 9 a.m.-5 p.m. 1150 Lakeland Drive. 601-713-3365.

Mississippi Craft Center Works by members of the Mississippi Craftsman's Guild. Natchez Trace at Hwy 51, Ridgeland. Demos Every Sat. and Sun., 9 a.m.-5 p.m. March-Oct.30. 601-856-7546.
Mississippi Museum of Art Tues.-Sat., 10 a.m.-5 p.m. and Sun, noon-5 p.m. Closed Monday. 201 Pascagoula St. 601-960-1515.

Mississippi Museum of Natural Science Naturalist Lecture 1st Tues. of month, noon lecture on environmental awareness topics. Mon.-Fri., 8 a.m.-5 p.m.; 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Sat.; 1-5 p.m., Sun. $5, $3 kids. LeFleur's Bluff State Park, 2148 Riverside Drive, I-55 at Lakeland Drive 601-354-7303.

Mississippi Sports Hall of Fame and Museum 1152 Lakeland Drive. Mon.-Sat., 10 a.m.-4 p.m. 800-280-3263.

Municipal Art Gallery 839 N. State St. New exhibit monthly. Sept.: Miss. watercolor Society Exhibit. Oct: 67 fine art photos by Dr. Sherman Bloom. Opening reception, Sun., Oct. 1, 2-4 p.m. Open Tues.-Sat., 9 a.m.-5 p.m. and Sun., 2-4 p.m. Free. 601-960-1582.

Nunnery's Art Gallery 426 Meadowbrook Rd. Lucy Mazzaferro, Kennith Humphrey, Ginny Futvoye, Anthony DiFatta, Carol Epperson, Kit Fields, P. Sanders McNeal, Streater Spencer and more. 601-981-4426

The Oaks House Museum 823 Jefferson St. One of the oldest houses in Jackson on the National Register of Historic Places. Tues.-Sat., 10 a.m.-3 p.m. $4. 601-353-9339.

Pearl River Glass Studio Stained glass and mixed media. 142 Millsaps Ave. 601-944-1902.

The Quarter Gallery Photos by Howard Barron and Christina Cannon. 1855 Lakeland Drive, Suite B-11 (next to Cups in the Quarter). Wed.-Sat., 10 a.m.-6 p.m. 601-713-1224.

Red Eagle Gallery 300 N. Farish St., Unit A. Shona sculpture from Zimbabwe and contemporary art. 601-948-8946.

Sam Gore Art Gallery Aven Hall, Mississippi College, Clinton. Mon.-Fri. 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Free. 601-925-3231.

Smith Robertson Museum and Cultural Center 528 Bloom St. George Miles Jr., Felandus Thames, Tony Davenport, Marcus Phillips, Lorenzo Gaiden present "The Antidote: A Remedy to the Problem" exhibit through Nov. 30. Artifacts relating to the African American experience. 601-960-1457.

The South 4500 I-55 N., Suite 143, Highland Village. Over 40 Miss. Artists represented. Stephanie Wheeler, Julie McCartney, Rebecca Broom, Tina Pepper Bradford, Cathy Hegman, Hope Carr, Tena Nalker, Chris Maloney and more. 10 a.m.-6 p.m., Mon.-Sat. 601-981-9811.

Southern Breeze Gallery 4500 I-55 N., Suite 160, Highland Village. Opening reception featuring oil painter Nancy Mauldin Sun., Sept. 17, 1:30–4:30 p.m.

Impressionistic treatments of the European landscapes. Alice Hammell, Amy Giust, Lucy Gaines, Gay Anderson, Jason Wilson, Amy Giust, Lee Gibson, Jackie Ellens, Charlie Busler, Cathy Fonda and more. Mon.-Sat., 10 a.m.-6 p.m. 601-982-4222.

Stodghill & James Gallery 830 Wilson Dr., Suite C, Ridgeland. Lucy Mazzaferro, Emilie Herbert, Joshua Weathersby and Jean Seymour. 601-899-9400.

Tomkins Group Gallery 122 Lone Wolf Dr., Hwy. 51, Madison. Work by more than 30 area artists. 601-859-6303.

Wolfe Studio 4308 Old Canton Rd. Ceramic birds, gilded nativity figures, block prints by Mildred Nungester Wolfe, paintings by Mildred and Elizabeth Wolfe. Tues.-Fri., 10 a.m.-5 p.m. 601-366-1844.

Wyatt Waters Gallery 307 N. Jefferson St., Across from Miss. College in Olde Towne Clinton. Renown original watercolor paintings, prints, new signed books and $8+ gift items by Wyatt Waters. Mon.-Fri., 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; Sat., 11 a.m.-3 p.m. 601-925-8115.

Stage and Screen
Thalia Mara Hall 24th Season of The Best of Broadway made possible by W. Kessler Ltd., Presents "Hairspray," Broadway's big fat musical comedy hit, Nov. 6 and 7 at Thalia Mara Hall. 7:30 p.m. each night. 601-981-1847.

Black Rose Theatre presents "Once Upon a Mattress" Sept. 14-16, 21-23, 7:30 p.m. Sept. 17 and 24, 2 p.m. Fractured fairytale story of the Princess and the Pea, full of fun, music, lots of physical comedy/sight gags, puns and much "word play." $12, $10 students/seniors. 103 Black St. Brandon, 601-981-2456.

Act4Murder Murder Mystery Troupe Presents "On Stage for Murder" Comedic murder mystery dinner theatre, Sat., Sept. 23, Waterford Retirement Home, 619 Highland Colony Pkwy. Flowood. Seating 6:30 p.m. show 7 p.m. $30 with dinner. 601-856-6660.

Madison Junior Community Theatre presents William Shakespeare's "A Midsummer Night's Dream" Nov. 4-5, at Rosa Scott, Madison.

New Stage presents "I Love You, You're Perfect, Now Change" Sept 13-24, Wed-Sat, 7:30 p.m. Sun., 2 p.m. Off-Broadway's long-running musical comedy revue celebrates the modern-day suburban mating game. Also, "The Crucible," Oct. 17-29. Arthur Miller's tale of deceit and paranoia not only presents a historical allegory for the McCarthy era, but continues to illuminate the values and conflicts at the heart of America today. $22. 601-948-3531.

New Stage Unframed Performance Coffeehouse Performance Series. Performing and visual artists feature 5-minute performances and artwork under $100. New participants encouraged. Reserve space in the Hewes Room, New Stage Theatre. 601-948-3533, ext. 230.

Clinton Brick Street Players presents Neil Simon's "Odd Couple" Comedy. Sept. 8-10 and 14-16, 7 p.m., Sundays 2 p.m. "I'm Not Rappaport" Classic comedy. Oct. 20-22 and 26-28, 7 p.m., Sundays 2 p.m. "Stop the World, I Want To Get Off" Musical. Nov. 23-26 and Nov. 30-Dec. 2, 7 p.m., Sundays 2 p.m. Old Clinton Jr. High auditorium on Fairmont Dr. across from MC. 601-925-9285.

Millsaps Southern Circuit Documentary: "Learning to Swallow" Sept. 18, 7:30 p.m. Millsaps Academic Complex Room 215. Everyone knows an "It Girl"- the one who starts the party, who doesn't know when to stop, who wants it all. But what happens when the "It" overtakes the girl? Free. 601-974-1299.

Belhaven College Theatre presents Joshua Squad performance Sept. 9, 7:30 p.m. "The Memory Trilogy" Sept. 29-30, "Fiddler on the Roof", Nov. 8-11. "Shadowlands" Feb. 15-17 and 21-24. "Antigone" April 19-21 and 25-28. 7:30 p.m. Flexible Theatre. $10, $5 students/children/seniors. 601-965-7026.

Actor's Playhouse presents "Seussical" Sept. 15, 16, 22 and 23, 7:30 p.m. Sept. 17 and 24, 2 p.m. All the major characters and stories of Dr. Seuss in one cohesive evening. 121 Paul Truitt Lane, Pearl. $15, $10 students/seniors. 601-664-0930.

Center Players presents "To Kill a Mockingbird" at Ann Smith Elementary School, Pear Orchard Rd. Ridgeland. Sept 14-17 and 22-24.

Miss. HeARTS Against Aids and Fondren Theatre Workshop presents "Sordid Lives" by Del Shores As three generations of a family in a small Texas town gather for the funeral of their matriarch, we learn the hilarious, trashy truth of their "sordid lives." Cabaret-style show in Hal & Mal's Big Room, Sept. 21-23 and Sept. 28-30, 7:30 p.m. $20. 601-856-7743.

J. Lee Productions presents "Dangerously In Love" Sept. 29-30, at JSU, $20. True story centered on the tapestry of the couple Malika & JaCorie, whose relationship is put to the test once secrets from the past are revealed. 601-842-0010.

Millsaps Southern Circuit Film: "State of Fear" by Pamela Yates Oct. 2, 7:30 p.m. Cautionary tale of what happens when fighting terrorism impairs democracy. "Manhattan, Kansas" by Tara WrayManhattan Oct. 30, 7:30 p.m. Kansas is a personal documentary about a daughter coping with her mentally unstable mother. Millsaps Academic Complex Room 215. Free. 601-974-1299.

An Occurrence at Oak Tree Hotel: Sergeant Prentiss, Redemption and The Trial of the Bedbug Oct. 3-7, 7 p.m. and Oct. 8, 3 p.m. $10. Hinds County Courthouse Courtroom, Raymond. 601-857-2710.

Millsaps Performing Arts presents Menotti's "The Old Maid and the Thief" Sept. 8-9. 7:30 p.m. Academic Complex Recital Hall. America's first radio opera, one-act comedy. $10, Students $5. 601-974-1372.

Millsaps Players presents Oct. 5-7, 7:30 p.m. Oct. 8, 2 p.m. Nov. 16-18, 7:30 p.m. Nov. 19, 2 p.m. Feb. 22-24, 7:30 p.m. Feb. 25, 2 p.m. Christian Science Auditorium. $10, $5 students. 601-974-1372.

Fondren Theatre Workshop presents for "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" Oct. 25-31. 601-856-2143.

Madison Junior Community Theatre presents William Shakespeare's " A Midsummer Night's Dream." Nov. 4-5, at Rosa Scott, Madison.

Maddrama Performance Troupe of Jackson State University presents: "Ceremonies in Dark Old Men" Nov. 1 and 3, 7:30 p.m.; Sun., Nov. 5, 3 p.m. and "Black Nativity" Dec. 15 and 16, 7:30 p.m., and 17 AT 3 p.m.

Malco Grandview Indie Films opening each week. Sept. 15, "Strangers With Candy"; Sept. 22, "Who Killed The Electric Car?"; Sept. 29, "Quinceanera"; Oct. 6, "Wordplay"; Oct. 13, "The Science of Sleep." Grandview Blvd., South of WalMart, Madison. 601-607-7676.

Bach To Blues Series Sept. 17, Arnold Lindsey Blues Band. Trinity Lutheran Church hosts a free series of sacred and secular music, every 3rd Sunday, 6 p.m. 6401 Hwy 18 W. at Siwell Rd. Share music and a Harmony Meal after. 601-371-2332, 601-372-8851.

Mississippi Gospel and Bluegrass Opry 2nd Sat. each month, 6-9:30 p.m. Oct.14: Harmony & Grits, Fabulous Bagasse Boyz. Nov. 11: Friskell Mountain, Harmony & Grits, Dec. 11: Harmony & Grits, Honi Deaton & Dream. Pearl Community Room, next to Pearl City Hall, 2418 Old Brandon Rd. $10, Kids free. 601-331-6672.

Mississippi Symphony Orchestra Bravo I: Roman Escape Sat., Sept. 16, 7:30 p.m. Thalia Mara Hall. Respighi's "Pines of Rome," and American cellist Daniel Gaisford performs Robert Schumann's "Cello Concerto." … Bravo II : Classical Redux Sat., Oct. 7, 7:30 p.m. Thalia Mara Hall. Beethoven and Mozart. Mississippi native and acclaimed clarinetist John Craig Barker. … Intimate Classics Chamber I: Go For Baroque Fri., Oct. 27, 7:30 p.m. St. Andrew;s Episcopal Cathedral. Two of Mississippi's finest violinists, Marta Szlubowska-Kirk and Stephen Redfield, in concertos by Bach and Vivaldi. … Pops I: Star Wars and Other Cool Stuff Sat., Nov. 18, 7:30 p.m. Thalia Mara Hall. Soar through space and time with music from the complete "Star Wars" series, from "The Phantom Menace" to "Return of the Jedi." 601-960-1565.

Belhaven College Chamber Music presents Faculty/Alumni Dance Concert Sept. 16, 7:30 p.m. Concert Hall. Dr. Stephen Sachs Sept. 26, 7:30 p.m. Recital Room, Belhaven College's Center for the Arts. Vocal Arts Concert Oct. 14, 7:30 p.m. Concert Hall. Free. Adam Holzman, guitarist, Oct. 18, 7:30 p.m. Concert Hall, $10. Belhaven Chamber Orchestra/String Solo Concert Oct. 20, 7:30 p.m. Covenant Presbyterian Church, 4000 Ridgewood Rd. Dance Concert of Praise Oct. 22, 3 p.m. Concert Hall. Composers forum Concert Oct. 31, 7:30 p.m. Recital Room. Free. Belhaven Community Symphony Orchestra/Wind Ensemble Nov. 14, 7:30 p.m. Concert Hall. Free. Dance ensemble fall concert Nov. 16-18, 7:30 p.m. Sat., 2 p.m. Choral Arts Concert, Gospel Songs Nov. 18, Free. Best of Belhaven Nov. 20-21, 7:30 p.m. Free. Concert Hall. Doxa Dance Student Showcase Nov. 29-30, 7:30 p.m. Irby Studio Theatre, $2. Belhaven Singing Christmas Tree Dec. 1-2, 7:30 p.m. Soccer Bowl. Free. 601-974-6494.

Millsaps College presents John Paul Harpsichord Concert Sept. 19, 7:30 p.m. 2002 recipient of the Governor's Award for Excellence in the Arts, John Paul performs 18th century keyboard literature and engages his audience with his virtuoso technique, witty comments and short stories about the harpsichord, its music and composers. … Julianne Baird, Soprano with Rachel Heard Harpsichord Concert Sept. 29, 7:30 p.m. Rachel Heard performs the fortepiano music of Haydn. … Marta Szlubowska-Kirk, violin with Szlubowski Piano Duo Nov. 9, 7:30 p.m. Ford Academic Complex Recital Hall. Ford Academic Complex Recital Hall. 601-974-1422.

Millsaps Arts and Lecture Series Southern Songwriters: Claire Holley, Will Kimbrough, Mark Stacks. 7:30 p.m. Academic Complex Recital Hall. $10, Students $5. 601-974-1043.

Mississippi Symphony Orchestra Fondren Symphony at Sunset Thurs., Sept. 28, 7 p.m. Bring blanket and picnic to the MSO on the lawn of the historic Cedars home. 4145 Old Canton Rd. Free. 601-960-1565.

Millsaps College Bell Concert Series: Angela Cheng, piano Oct. 6, 7:30 p.m. Ford Academic Complex Recital Hall. 1986 Gold Medal winner at the Arthur Rubinstein International Piano Masters Competition. $15. The Fischer Duo, piano & cello Nov. 2, 7:30 p.m. Ford Academic Complex Recital Hall. Norman Fischer, cellist, and Jeanne Kierman Fischer. $15, $5 students. 601-974-1422.

Millsaps Singers Fall Concert Oct. 13, 7:30 p.m. Ford Academic Complex Recital Hall. Free, donations accepted. 601-974-1422.

Mississippi Chorus presents Oct. 17, " Jubilate! the Glory of Brass and Choir" Belhaven College Center for the Arts. Dec. 19, " Messiah" by Handel and Feast of Carols by Randol Alan Bass, Christ United Methodist Church. 601-278-3351.

Jazz, Blues and More The third Friday each month beginning Oct. in the historic Alamo Theater, 333 Farish St. 7:30 p.m. $5. Sherrill Holly - Saxophones; Kermit Holly - Piano; Reese Powell - Guitar; Willie Silas - Drums; Bernard Holly - Bass. Vocals by Angela Walls-Gray, Pamela Confer, George Jackson and Bobby Smith. 601-352-3365.

Millsaps Singers Christmas Concert Dec. 1, 7:30 p.m. Ford Academic Complex Recital Hall. Free, donations accepted. … Advent Lessons and Carols, Dec. 5, 12 p.m. Ford Academic Complex Recital Hall. Free. 601-974-1422.

Jackson State University Winter Concert Dec. 10, 7 p.m. University Park Auditorium. Free, donations accepted. 601-979-2141.

The Ink Spot hosts a One Man Band Off, Nov. 11 featuring art inspired by music and musicians.

Gluckstadt German Festival Sept. 24, 11-5 p.m. St. Joseph's Catholic Church. Descendants of the early settlers of this community celebrate and share their German heritage with music, dance, games and foods of the Old Country. No ice chests or pets. Bring lawn chair/blanket. The last Sunday each Sept. 601-856-2054.

BET's Black College Tour stops at Jackson State Oct. 13. The tour was created to support historically black colleges by providing significant and provocative entertainment.
Mississippi Opera presents Benjamin Britten's Noye Fludde at St. Richard's Catholic Church starring James Martin, Lester Senter and William Fulton. Oct. 6, 7 p.m. and Oct. 7, 3 and 7 p.m.

Mississippi Afrocentrik Dance and Drum Ensemble Class Every Thurs.-Fri., 7-10 p.m. Millsaps College Maurice Hall Activities Center. "Afroebics" warm-up, West Afrikan dances and rhythms/drumming techniques, cultural awareness discussions. Free. Kwanzaa Festival, Dec. 26-Jan. 1. 601-373-3288.

Applause Dance Factory 242 Stephens St. Ridgeland. Ballroom, Latin and Swing Dance Party Sept. 16, 8-10 p.m. $10. Free Beginner Swing and Cha Cha Class 7 p.m. 601-856-6168.

Magnolia Ballroom Dancers host dance Sat., Sept. 16, Oct. 14, Nov. 11, Dec. 9, in the Ethnic Heritage Building at the Ag Museum. 8-11 p.m. Ballroom dancing, Swing, Hustle and more. $15. BYOB. Dress "elegantly casual." Lakeland Drive at I-55. 601-278-5889.

Ballet Mississippi and Encore Dance Theatre presents "The Nutcracker" Nov. 11 and 12 at Madison Square Center for the Arts, and on Dec. 8-10 at Thalia Mara Hall. Tickets and more information are available by calling 601-960-1560.

Ballet Magnificat! celebrates its 20th Anniversary with the premier of "A Christmas Dream" to the music of Tchaikovsky's classic Nutcracker. Dec. 15-17. Reserved seating only, $10-$25. 601-977-1001.

Literary and Signings
Lemuria Bookstore several authors sign their own works. For a complete listing see

Jackson Friends of the Library Annual Meeting 11:30 a.m. Sept. 14, Eudora Welty Library meeting room. Co-authors Jere Nash and Andy Taggart will discuss their book "Mississippi Politics, The Struggle for Power, 1976-2006. 601-353-7173.

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