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‘Obstructionist for Flood Control'
The battle over Two Lakes is back on. After years of infighting and millions of dollars spent on impact and engineering studies, the Rankin-Hinds Pearl River Flood and Drainage Control …
Stop Stalling Flood Control
It becomes more clear with every Levee Board meeting that the strategy of hard-core Two Lakes development supporters is to stall any alternative plan that could render their plan moot—even …

The Lakes Plan That Won't Recede
Although both the U.S. Corps of Engineers and the local Levee Board have rejected the Two Lakes development/flood-control plan, its supporters are vowing not to give up.
Stop the Lakes-v.-Levees Drama
In recent months, the Jackson Free Press was pleased to see the Rankin-Hinds Levee Board seemingly get unlocked from the years-long Lakes-v.-Levees standoff that had prevented any forward movement toward …
Two Lakes Back on the Table
Engineers favoring a plan to flood the Pearl River and create a myriad of islands say the plan will be cheaper than a similar plan involving a smaller lake and …
Lake Plan Faces Cost Hurdle
U.S. Rep. Bennie Thompson said federal funding to study building a lake on the Pearl River will not be easy to obtain, despite the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' renewed …
The Changing Saga of ‘Two Lakes'
Last week John McGowan of McGowan Working Partners LLC visited us here at the JFP offices for a marathon lunch session to discuss his "Two Lakes" project.
Kill Two Lakes, Enhance The River
A vote this week by the Rankin-Hinds Pearl Flood and Drainage Control District ("Levee Board") appeared to overturn its decision of last July to support a "Lower Lake" plan based, …
McGowan Confronts Board Over Levee Confusion
Jackson oilman and "Two Lakes" developer John McGowan went before the Rankin-Hinds Pearl River Flood and Drainage Control District Levee Board this morning, demanding clarity over whether the board's one-lake …
Lakes Plan Still Alive, Despite Vote?
Photos by Melissa Webster & Mississippi Museum Of Natural Science
Also see: Archive of Two Lakes/Pearl Coverage

Waiting for ‘One Lake’
Flood control has worried locals since two floods, in spring 1979 and again in 1983. Ever since, groups have floated a procession of flood plans.

One Lake a ‘Game Changer'?
Turtles like the proposed "One Lake" flood-control plan. Now developers just have to convince the U.S. Corps of Engineers and Jackson area residents who'll be affected.
Whose River Is it?
In the past weeks, the Jackson Free Press has spent some time looking into the Two Lakes plan for flood control and economic development on the Pearl Rivera plan that's …
Tell Whole Story on Levees and Lakes
Now that the Rankin-Hinds Pearl River Flood and Drainage Control District has officially agreed with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' levees-only plan for flood control, expect the Two Lakes …
The Problem With Lakes and Levees
When famed New Urbanist Andre Duany came to Jackson to examine creative solutions to both flooding and economic-development options, he didn't get excited about the Two Lakes development plan developed …
[johnson] Drowning Jackson
When you look at it abstractly, Two Lakes developer John McGowan makes an easy villain: an old, wealthy white landowner intent on taking public lands for private profit with the …
State Again Tries to Take Over Levee Board
A member of the Two Lakes of Mississippi Foundation rattled the Rankin-Hinds Pearl River Flood and Drainage Control District Levee Board at its meeting this morning with another attempt by …
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