Street Talk | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

Street Talk

With the Fourth of July just around the corner, what does freedom mean to you?

Tony Compton, veteran, 53: "It's about what your forefathers have done for everyone. I believe very strongly in the flag of the United States and about what it represents."

James Ford, 29: "Freedom means life without restrictions. Freedom means opportunity."

Mary Bennett, 22: "It means being able to have your constitutional right to express yourself."

Blake Giles, 22: "Freedom to me is having the ability to express yourself how you choose. You can pursue whatever outlet you want in life.

Delois Felder, 43: "Being able to live out my own choices in life."

Nathan Boggan, 39: "Traveling around the world, you encounter people that are guarded about their feelings. But in America, it is a fundamental aspect of my life."

Eric Norwood, 42: "Freedom to me is the ability or privilege to progress without set parameters or limitations."

Cole Simpson, 23: "Being able to do what you want to do."

Lindsey Cauthen, 24: "I'm a Christian, and I want to be able to worship how I want. So for me freedom means freedom of religion and freedom of speech."

Richard Rolf, 37: "To work in whatever field I want to and the government can't tell me what my job has to be."

David Johnson, 30: "Freedom for me is opportunity to exist and thrive in ways you so desire. We live in a unique society that allows us to limit or capitalize on our own possibilities."

Rebecca Johnson, 27: "Being able to pursue something greater than yourself."

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