Where some people see obstacles, Keith Richardson sees opportunities. Originally from Moss Point, Richardson, 28, opened Coast Ink Embroidery and Screen Print with four childhood friends in 2005, after graduating from college the year before. Coast Ink, located in the Metrocenter Mall, specializes in custom embroidery and screen-printing for clothing.
"The Metro(center Mall) was affordable, convenient, and its location was ideal," Richardson says. "The Metro has been good to us. ... (We) never considered leaving. We rely on the community for business and they rely on us to give them a service."
The shrinking customer base at the Metrocenter hasn't deferred Coast Ink's dream, and Richardson has high hopes for the future of the Metro. "I have personally seen Mayor Johnson and his staff here surveying tenants about concerns. They are off to a good start. … The mall structure is also in great shape. I believe the Metro has great potential, and with the proper planning and execution, retail will boost,"
The inspiration for Coast Ink comes from Richardson's friend who purchased a customized embroidered shirt. After reviewing the process of embroidering and the quality of the shirt, the group decided that they could do a better job.
"We wanted to be one of the first businesses in this area to service this product," Richardson says.
Richardson and his team, all 28-years old, divide the business's responsibilities. Richardson oversees marketing and promotions, and secures outside sales.
To be a successful business owner it takes adaptability, the desire to learn new things and keeping up with customers wants and demands, he says. Richardson hopes to see Coast Ink open a second location soon.
"We intend to build a brand so that our business is known beyond the city," Richardson says.
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