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donnaladd 11 years, 7 months ago

I love that a woman who signs the Ph.D after her name calls Kathleen "narcissistic." This is fabulous in just too many ways.


dogsmycopilot 11 years, 7 months ago

So how does Ms. Williams' theory stand up if I, as a very fully grown and aware of how the real world works mom of two teens say I agree wholeheartedly with the article? Not that it matters because if Ms. Williams had a clue she'd know that who agrees with what is just another ad hominem. Ad populum to be exact and by definition we do care what Ms. Mitchell thinks or we would not have read it, Ms. Williams included! It lays bare the hypocrisy of the right. Clearly she just disagrees with the young lady because she disagrees politically which is why she actually cited nothing for argument in her shameful letter. But she can't bring herself to admit that her reaction is emotion based and comes from her own worldview so instead she hurls insults. I find it quite comical, Ms. Mitchell ought to be quite chuffed with herself and she'll find me among her readers and Twitter followers in the future because if she is pissing off the right like that she can only be a good honest person!


dogsmycopilot 11 years, 7 months ago

I also feel the need to add out of all the schools in the area Millsaps was pretty good about challenging students to think critically. I enjoyed my time there. We have some schools here that are not fond of critical thinking, (Belhaven, I'm looking at you dear.) But I did not find Millsaps to be one of them. On the contrary and the comments made by Ms. Williams show she has no familiarity with he school at all. As for the hair comment, well we know why M Jane Williams signed her name the way she did don't we? Far be it for her to stand up to the same sort of scrutiny. Although I'm not at all convinced this vitriolic letter wasn't really written by a man.


donnaladd 11 years, 7 months ago

Thanks for your comments, dogsmycopilot. Kathleen's master's degree at a very good journalism school after Millsaps hasn't exactly hurt her critical-thinking skills, either. ;-)

I agree with you. I don't know that M. Jane Williams is a real person; we haven't found her, yet. This easily could have been done by a small handful of usual suspects around here who really hate that these kinds of attacks, well, don't work on us. We think it's funny and predictable.


BlackSheep1 11 years, 7 months ago

Say what?!!! I'm gone for a few days and look at this......JFP stirrin' it up again. Let me catch up on the backstory. Too funny.

As for "Dr" Williams the last sentence of her letter works both ways. Believe that.


brjohn9 11 years, 7 months ago

That is funny. Lecturing someone about their immaturity while behaving like a petty, spoiled little child is simply too precious. M. Jane, I would suggest that you heal yourself, but you're not even an M.D., are you dear? Giggles.

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