Chasing Ghosts at the JFP | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

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Chasing Ghosts at the JFP

The Delta Paranormal Project team stopped by the JFP offices to investigate any supernatural spookiness.

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Members of the Delta Paranormal Project: (left to right) Rob Hood, David Childers, and Kassie …

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Rob Hood uses a digital camera and a nightvision enhancer (object to the right of …

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The equipment of the Delta Paranormal Project: Starting from the lower left is a Gauss …

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David Childers uses a small voice recorder that can pick up even the slightest noise. …

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Kassie Kirby uses a digital thermometer to monitor room temperature in real-time. Kassie informs the …

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Rob Hood watches his cameras for anything unusual.

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The team investigates the JFP classroom. David addresses any spirits that are in the room …

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After investigating the rest of the floor, the team spends a great deal of time …

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Pat Bullock Williams (far right) joins the team for a moment. She addresses the spirit …

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The team prefers to work with the lights off. During the course of the visit, …

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Rob Hood says occasionally specs of dust will distort photos, so it's important to identify …

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Rob Hood, David Childers, Kassie Kirby, and Pat Bullock Williams.


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