Group "JFP Staff Blog" entries for June, 2012 | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

JFP Staff Blog archive for June, 2012

June 30, 2012

Videos from Flaming Lips 24-Hour Tour

By Jacob Fuller

Here's a look at the Flaming Lips kicking off their 8th show in 24 hours at the House of Blues in New Orleans.

Check back for more videos:

Interviews with Wayne Coyne of the Flaming Lips and Chris Pontius of Jackass

Watch Chris Pontius lead the parade down Decatur Street in New Orleans to the House of Blues

See behind the scenes of the O Music Awards and the Flaming Lips world-record tour

And many, many photos to come...

June 28, 2012 | 7 comments

Clarion-Ledger Executive Editor Needs JFP Nation's Help

By Donna Ladd

All, I just learned that, on Tuesday, newish Clarion-Ledger Executive Editor Brian Tolley, brought in from Louisiana or somewhere, asked the staff to help "folks who are writing ads for our new subscription model ..." (presumably the dumb charge-for-web stories idea). Apparently those "folks" are probably far from Jackson in some corporatey cubicle, and Tolley doesn't know enough about Jackson to tell them the following, as reported by Gannett Blog ( Tolley's verbatim list:

  1. What is your town famous for?
  2. What are the local sayings unique to your community?
  3. Is there a famous landmark not for tourists, but for locals?
  4. Who are the personalities known by everyone in town?
  5. Who are your local heroes -- and why?
  6. Who are your local villains?
  7. What events only happen in your community? (charity events, yearly runs/walks not associated with national programs)

My suggestion is that we help him out. Post below and answer the questions for him. We might even run them in the paper sometime soon.

Enjoy. Meanwhile here's your moment of Zen.

June 26, 2012

Henderson piece was cheap, WAPT, very cheap

By Donna Ladd

So tonight I got a text that WAPT had done my story from a couple weeks ago about Robert Henderson, the pardoned felon who is now working for Council President (and mayoral candidate) Frank Bluntson. But when I watched the report, I realized that WAPT actually completely cribbed my enterprise reporting, including the pardon and other details, with no attribution to me or anyone else. Not to mention, they talked about "some taxpayers" supposedly being upset about it without actually talking to any of them.

Then, they have District Attorney Robert S. Smith on camera at the end saying that everyone deserves a second chance, including Henderson. Let's just say this is a very different story than the DA told me a few years back when speaking about Mr. Henderson.

But back to WAPT: This piece was shoddy journalism at its worst. I expect better out of y'all and, at the least, credit where it's due.

June 26, 2012

New Ward 3 Election Set for July 24: Stokes v. Jackson, Bout II

By Donna Ladd

The Jackson City Council tonight set a new election for Ward 3, in which LaRita Stokes' election to succeed her husband Kenneth Stokes was recently overturned for voting irregularities. What do you think will happen?

June 26, 2012

Welcome to the Music Section

By brianarobinson

Hey y’all, welcome to the new JFP music section. Poke around, and you’ll see plenty of new features.

We now have a page that lists local bands. As we continue updating it, it will have info about the artists’ influences, members, history, etc. Email me at [email protected] if you would like your musical act’s information on the website. I can also upload your songs for readers to download, listen to or make playlists from.

What’s also exciting is this new music blog! It’s just one of many cool music features that come with the new website. We’ll update it regularly with news and thoughts on music. The blog is not just a staff thing, though. If you’re interested in music blogging, you can either start blogging on your own (because every JFP-site user can blog on our site), and we’ll pick up on it and add you to the music, or email me (at [email protected]).

Have fun with the new site!

June 25, 2012 | 6 comments

Welcome to the new JFP website!

By Donna Ladd

After months of development and trials, we went live with this new website late Thursday. Cheers to developer Matt Heindl (also the JFP distribution manager) for all his hard work. In addition, Kristin Brenemen and her design team worked really hard to get the look right, and Latasha Willis and Dustin Cardon knocked themselves out to get the JFP events and restaurant listings on the site.

If you see any problems on the site, please let us know ([email protected]). We are still working out bugs and turning on new features. By the end of this week, all old JFP stories and comments from the last 10 years should be moved to this site, so if you can't find something in our archive, be patient; it's coming! Meantime, play with our new Search box (top of page to the right); it's so much better than before!

Also, note that a new JFP mobile app replaces the old JFP app, which is no longer updating!

An important thing to know: You will have to re-register to post on this new site. If you have trouble getting your old user name, let's know, and we'll work it out for you. Note that you can also post photos and video now to your comments.

The general public can now blog as well, even though new posts will go through moderation (and must comply with the User Agreement) before they're opened. Click here to get started! And be sure to set your profile page up with your photo and other info!

Have fun on this site, and try out the new tools. Cheers, all.