Online Exclusive: SPQ Quiz | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

Online Exclusive: SPQ Quiz

1. Which of the following is NOT a man you need in your life at all times?

B. A man you can dance with
C. A man you can shop with
D. A man you can talk to

2. What technique guarantees to get any man to do your bidding?

A. The promise
B. The Heimlich
C. Stiletto heels
D. Chocolate stuff

3. What is worse than no jewelry at all?

A. No chocolate
B. Too much jewelry
C. Cheap jewelry
D. No appendages

4. In order to always be prepared, what does a girl need?

A. Shaved legs
B. Your favorite pillow
C. Canned ham
D. All of the above


Give yourself one point for every correct answer. 1-C 2-A 3-C 4- D

4 Points=You are particular, you are prepared and you are worthy of the title queen. When life throws you lemons, you throw them in the blender with some Fat Mama's Knock You Naked Margarita Mix and carry on your merry way. Crown Up Girlfriend!

3 Points=You have potential, and we may let you gaze longingly at our crowns just to get you motivated. You've got some brushing up to do before you get your own though.
2 Points=Since a true queen views the cup as half full, we'll let you think 2 points is half-queen just for fun. But we are laughing at you behind your back. I'm just saying. Get it together, sweetie.

1 Point=Go read Jill Conner Browne's books already! Until then, you are a true Nevergonnabe, and there's really no good use for you!

— Quiz by Emily Braden, Official Wannabe

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