Kerry, Dems to Campaign in Mississippi | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

Kerry, Dems to Campaign in Mississippi

I'm happy to see the national Democratic Par†y taking Mississippi seriously. It's so insulting when national media, politicos or anyone else assume that all of our minds are already made up, or that we all think and vote alike (Barbour won just 52 percent of the vote in November, after all, and in an election where many people thought the candidates were near just alike; imagine the possibilities if voters believe they have a real choice). And those assumptions are self-perpetuating. The Clarion-Ledger reports: "With Mississippi's primary over, Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry's campaign is mobilizing in the state. The senator does not necessarily need the South to win, however. Nor is it likely he will see any of Mississippi's six electoral votes from a state that has not voted for a Democratic president since Jimmy Carter in 1976. But Democrats here say Kerry's campaign, if nothing else, will be an opportunity to strengthen their party in the state and promote their philosophies in the months leading to Election Day on Nov. 2."

I have a hint for the Democrats for Mississippi: turn-out, turn-out, turn-out. Don't keep fighting over all the same voters every time. Talk to young people. People of color. Parents of children in the public schools. Unemployed factory workers whose jobs went overseas. Military families who have children in a questionable war in Iraq. There are plenty of people in this state disenchanted with Bush. Find them, and show them how Kerry, and the Democratic Party, are going to listen to and address their needs. And I'm not talking about rhetoric. We don't need fake Republicanism anymore; we need candidates who take us seriously and address our needs.

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Hallelujah. The right messaging, the proper resources, mobilization. There's so much opportunity right now, if not to win the state, to at least prevent a Republican cakewalk. I wish George Soros (the only billionaire financier the GOP doesn't like, because he's sided with the opposition; note: in Nazi Germany, Soros saw first hand what propoganda can accomplish, left unchecked and in hand with brute force) would see the incredible psychological value (nationwide) of polling numbers in, say June, showing Bush fighting for his political life in the deep South. It would have ripple effects throughout the country. Here's hoping.


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