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Scanners More Useless Regulation?

With little notice, the Mississippi Department of Human Services rolled out a program that requires poor parents and guardians to scan an appendage before they can drop off or leave …

Civil Rights

Women: Grab a Chair

If there's any doubt in your mind that the political War on Women is a reality, reading this week's cover story—even browsing through the quotes and sidebars and graphs—may change …


Hosemann: Give Voter ID Facts Straight

Since last fall's successful referendum requiring Mississippi citizens to show a government-issued photo-identification card, mass confusion has ensued about when and if the law would ever go into effect.


Media and Voters: Don't Accept Lies

Something that ought not be remarkable, but is, happened over the last week: Media started calling out politicians for blatant lies.

City & County

Time to Think Ahead

People don't plan to fail; they fail to plan. Anyone needing evidence of that adage's truth needn't look much further than Jackson's decrepit, and worsening, infrastructure.

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Stinker Quote of the Week

A couple things stink about Ryan's answer about abortion in the vice presidential debate.

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Stinker Quote of the Week: "Tool"

In 2010, Mississippi's rate of maternal death per 100,000 was 15.2 percent, putting it at 45th in the nation for high rates of maternal deaths, meaning that only five states …


Education Key to State's Job Growth

In September, Mississippi's unemployment rate increased to 9.2 percent, and it's been one of only seven states that has lost payroll jobs over the last 12 months.

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Stinker Quote of the Week: 'Kills'

Why it stinks: Since 2010, House Republicans have unsuccessfully tried to repeal the ACA, aka "Obamacare," 36 times.


Show Us That Clinton is Better for DOR

The Department of Finance and Administration has finally made its long-awaited recommendation for a new permanent home for the Department of Revenue, which is now housed in a Quonset hut …


Jackson's Team of Allies

In this issue focusing on the best of our city, you will read a lot about innovation, teamwork and building alliances—as well as about a number of candidates wanting to …

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Stinker Quote of the Week: "Doubts"

Kelly was tsk, tsking about Americans believing conspiracy theories when she should be crowing about how successful FOX has been in fostering fear, uncertainty and doubt among its viewers.

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Stinker Quote of the Week: "Letter C"

House Bill 490, which died in committee this week, proposes creating a government commission to examine federal laws and decide whether Mississippi and Mississippians should have to follow those laws.


The Secrecy Must Stop

We heard a lot about sunshine during the 2011 legislative session. Mainly, it was in the context of a proposal Republicans were pushing to ostensibly to boost transparency in the …


If He Can't Serve, Anderson Should Go

On Monday, Pope Benedict XVI shocked Roman Catholics around the world by announcing his retirement at the end of February.

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Stinker Quote of the Week: 'Political'

Hadiya Pendleton, 15, was fatally shot in the back in a Chicago playground Jan. 28 in a neighborhood close to where the president's family once lived.

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Stinker Quote of the Week: 'Opportunity'

Why it stinks: Blackburn's $2.15 in the late 1960s or early '70s, when she probably had that retail job (she was born in 1952), is worth quite a bit more …


Let's Debate Expansion

Despite Gov. Phil Bryant's stubborn and vocal opposition to the plan, the question of Medicaid expansion seemed headed for a few rounds of spirited debate in the Mississippi Legislature.


Rape Is Not A Political Weapon

The last week has been a tough week for women, especially rape victims. And it's been a very revealing one.
