Rick Perry Wishes You Happy Holidays | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

Rick Perry Wishes You Happy Holidays

I know a lot has already been written about Rick Perry's new ad about ending Obama's supposed war on religion. (If you haven't seen it, it's on YouTube.)

Since this is the holiday/Christmas season, others have also pointed out the comparison between some of Obama's Christmas remarks last year and Perry's holiday wishes.

Rick Perry, I'm not ashamed to say I'm a Christian either. I am, however, ashamed of you and of the many other politicians (Republican and Democrat) who think they can use my faith to manipulate me into voting for them. I grew up in the '90s; I've heard plenty of speeches about the war on Christmas, prayer, the 10 Commandments and other things that are important to me. I've seen near-identical "faith, freedom, family" brochures, and I've read supposed "letters from the future" if a particular politician gets elected. (Re: letter from 2012, I no longer consider Focus on the Family a credible source of advice on politics.) I'm over it. I'm not afraid anymore, and trying to make me afraid of "liberal attacks" on my faith will no longer work.

I would, however, like to know about your foreign policy positions, how you think the government should help Americans living in poverty and why (really, why??) you want to get rid of the Department of Education. Somehow, I think it would take more than prayer in schools and an anti-gay military to make America strong, and if all you've got to talk about is manipulating my faith for your political gain, then do Christians everywhere a favor and shut up.

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Rick Perry used to look scary (skerry) to me. Now he just looks dumb. Is that a qualification to be Governor of Texas? Since the lovely Ann Richards everything went down hill.


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