No. 30, May 17 - 23 | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

No. 30, May 17 - 23

<b><em>Register Guns, Ban Some</b></em>

The shooting crisis at Virginia Tech has once again sparked the debate over gun control. The Second Amendment speaks of a "well-regulated militia." The National Guard and Coast Guard have replaced the need for a state militia. Their weapons are tightly controlled and safeguarded.

The only reasons for a citizen to own a firearm is for hunting or defense of the household from intruders. In either case, ownership of a handgun, shotgun or shoulder rifle is more than adequate. There is absolutely no need for any civilian to own any weapon more powerful or sophisticated than these. Accordingly, weapons must be licensed and registered to the degree necessary to match weapon to owner at the click of a computer key. Furthermore, if we had prohibited the purchase of more sophisticated weapons, several innocent victims would not have died at the hands of Cho-Seung-Hui.
—Joe Bialek, Cleveland, Ohio

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Joe has a point. Why would the average citizen want an AK-47 other than planning to do some serious damage with it?


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