No. 35, July 18 | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

No. 35, July 18

<b><em>I'm Not Jealous</b></em>

So, I am at home tonight and, from another room, my husband yells, "I love Donna Ladd!" Just earlier he informed me that the latest Jackson Free Press contained the article, "The Mayor and His Women" (Editor's Note, July 12-18, 2007). Am I jealous because of this outburst? No, I am thankful to Donna, once again, for reporting and explaining the ridiculous state of affairs in which we find ourselves.

Now, what can Donna tell us about our superintendent of education?
— Janet D. Crawford, Jackson

Stop the Killing
I cannot continue to let the current government—which works for us, the citizens—continue on this current course of criminality. The dying must stop now.

Therefore, as a citizen, I demand the military place the president and vice president under house arrest at a maximum security military base here in the U.S. A contingency of two each of the highest-ranked officers from each branch of the armed forces shall present a warrant for arrest for war crimes, treason and murder in the highest degree.

Upon the arrest, Nancy Pelosi will assume the office of the presidency until the coming election. She will see to a smooth transition of government positions and a task force of the highest military ranks, which will begin to withdraw troops immediately. We will decide, with the military courts, what to do with our prisoners after the war is over.

Why is there no 10-year plan? Well, let's do this now—and maybe we'll have 10 years to plan for. I love America, and I want to defend her from enemies, here and abroad. Stop the killing. We can do it—today.
— Anthony J. Harville, via e-mail

Mark Wants Mike
I've known secretary of state candidate Mike Lott for sometime. During his eight years in the state Legislature, Mike worked to protect the interests of Mississippians from the harmful effects of illegal immigration. He has a proven conservative voting record in the state house where he authored voter identification and pro-life bills each year. He is a small business owner, a former public school teacher and a strong supporter of education. We are very fortunate to have a man of Mike Lott's character and competence running for secretary of state.
— Mark S. Mayfield, Ridgeland

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