[Sue Doh Nem] A Brainwashed State of Christmas | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

[Sue Doh Nem] A Brainwashed State of Christmas

Nurse Tootie McBride: "This holiday season I want to provide encouragement for the hopeless, jobless, broke and stressed out individual who feels like ending this year with a bang or two. I want to reason with you for a moment. I hope that I'm able to relieve your troubled state of being.

"I bet a lot of questions swirl in your mind, like an undertow that sucks you deeper into an ocean of despondency. I feel that way, sometimes. In a moment of uncertainty, I ask myself: 'How many Michael Moore movies, PBS POV documentaries and concerned human and civil rights advocates will it take before common people realize that mainstream media and entertainment have brainwashed them into a state of denial?'

"And like clockwork, television advertisements urge consumers—who barely have enough money to buy gas—to shop until they drop into depression. Ironically, Christmas home makeover and 'Flip that Real Estate' programs flood cable television, while fixed-income and financially challenged individuals lose their homes during a nationwide housing crisis.

"I advise you to compose yourself and duck the unfriendly fire from certain hypocritical, self-serving and insincere people. Look up and see what the three wise dudes saw: a shining star of hope for better days ahead.

"Now put that gun down and warm up with a nice hot-n-toddy beverage from Brotha Hustle's Winter Wonderland Juicy Juice Stand.

Happy holidays, my friend!"

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Ironically, Christmas home makeover and ‘Flip that Real Estate’ programs flood cable television, while fixed-income and financially challenged individuals lose their homes during a nationwide housing crisis. I must admit that I'm an HGTV and TLC addict, and I watch those programs all the time. Maybe the producers think those real estate shows will help out people who are having trouble selling their homes. However, how can they sell them when lending is already hard to come by for potential buyers?


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