Random Musings | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

Random Musings

Maybe it's the lack of sunlight this time of year, but my mind is going a million different directions and I can't focus worth squat. Anyone else feeling like this? Anyway, I am going to take this time to list what has been randomly going on in my head lately.

1. I found out I'm allergic to dust mites. Now I have to buy all these encasings to cover my mattress and stuff, and I have to dust my room and vacuum my curtains. I don't feel like doing it, but I know that I'll feel better when I do. Don't ask me when I'll do it all - I don't know yet.

2. How can there be a middle of nowhere is there is no "where"?

3. I went on consecration with my church a couple of weeks ago (no TV, avoiding certain foods, etc.), but I quit early. I know God forgave me fore it. I just need to forgive myself because I still feel guilty.

4. One of my nieces has hair that is the same color as copper. I hope no one cuts it off and tries to sell it at a scrap yard. Just kidding.

5. I wish my cat would wait until I leave the room before he licks his crotch.

6. I had canvases that I got two years ago and never put any paint on them. I finally painted on one. Maybe I should set a goal to use the other three by the end of the year. I need to stop doubting my artistic ability and "just do it".

7. It's cold in here.

8. Thanksgiving will be here in a couple of days. Once again, I'll spend Wednesday night at my sister's house chopping veggies and doing other menial tasks. I usually do the turkey, so that'll be the highlight of my holiday.

9. I really wish I had broadband instead of dial-up. However, I want to make sure I can afford it again.

10. It's hard to believe that I saw my nephew playing the trumpet with his school band last Saturday. It seems like it was just yesterday when I was babysitting him and changing his smelly diapers.

11. I had trouble staying asleep lately, so I got a refill on my sleeping pills. Now they don't seem to be working this time. Wish I could get a refund on the remaining pills, but I know I can't. Oh well.

12. I still can't find my Hebrew-Greek study Bible. What in the world did I do with it?

13. Gas prices always rises during the holidays. I think these oil companies are milking us dry.

14. I need to finish the illustrations for that children's book I want to publish. Why am I procrastinating? What am I afraid of?

15. Should I get a flu shot?

16. If Train A leaves the station at 8:45 AM traveling east at 50 mph and and Train B leaves the station at 9:15 AM traveling west at 65 mph...aw, who cares!

17. I want to learn sign language so I can sign the song lyrics at church. The ASL software I bought years ago is not the best. Should I get a videotape or take a class? Hmmm....

18. When I stand next to Donna Ladd, I feel like a garden gnome. I didn't know she was that tall. Tee hee.

19. At the rate I'm going with relationships, I may be the first woman in modern history to give birth at age 75.

20. Do I sounds like Ali Greggs typing all of this stuff? :-P

Well, I think that's enough. It' amazing how one can have ten million thoughts in a matter of minutes. Well, maybe not ten million, but you get the idea. Anyone else got a random thought they would like to share? An example could be, "I don't see why Latasha Willis posted this mess!" Ha ha ha.

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