Millie Bob McPig | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

Millie Bob McPig


The JFP would first and foremost like to apologize that we are not only not the first, but in fact the third local publication to feature Millie Bob McPig, also known as Minibus to his caretakers/roommates Ari Glogower and Katy Rivlin. Fondren resident McPig has, in this, the first year of his life, lived in both Oxford and Jackson, and is now happy to call Fondren home. A big hit with the University of Mississippi Medical School crowd, McPig has appeared in UMC's This Week in commemoration of his participation in the American Heart Association's Kiss the Pig Raffle.

Glogower and Rivlin found a then-hamster-sized McPig at the Ripley Flea Market on the Mississippi/Tennessee border in the summer of 2005 and purchased the Vietnamese potbelly for $30. They have unceasingly speculated ever since as to whether McPig is a native Tenneessean or Mississippian, with McPig himself remaining mysteriously silent on the issue.

From the flea market, McPig moved to Oxford—where Glogower was taking summer classes as a part of the Mississippi Teacher Corps program—and spent his days in the spare bedroom/bathroom of Glogower and Rivlin's apartment, pushing aside his hog developer feed in favor of oats, coconut and raisins, and enjoying the occasional outing for a cooling dip in Lake Patsy or a nice roll in the surrounding mud.

In fall 2005, when Glogower and Rivlin moved to Jackson—the former to teach, the latter to attend medical school—McPig was happy to join them. His universally acknowledged commendable car-ride behavior was demonstrated not only on that trip, but also on a bit longer of a hike: a weekend road trip to visit Glogower's family in Michigan.

McPig is a great proponent of the arts, as he himself is a great singer and orator. His heartfelt rendition of "Old McDonald Had a Farm" and his loose interpretation of Lincoln's Gettysburg Address have earned him the accolades of locals and out-of-town visitors alike.

Saturdays frequently find McPig at the Greater Belhaven Neighborhood Market, sporting his ever-fashionable yellow rope leash/harness. Admirers stop and ask him questions about his behavior, temperament, relations with other animals and eating habits. Those willing to discuss such things always walk away pleased and feeling both more justified in their belief that such an animal would make a good addition to their lives, and more motivated to make that addition.

McPig is a great example of a man about town, a model friend and roommate, and an upstanding, community-minded citizen. Jackson is lucky to have him.

Previous Comments


That's some pig! Wilbur clearly has nothing on Mr. McPig, and Jackson has reason for pride. Thanks for the clear and convincing evidence in support of the Jacksonian of the week.


What a wonderful story I stumbled on! AT


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