Hoops Nation | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

Hoops Nation

The NCAA Men's Basketball Tournament starts on Thursday. This is one of those days when the mighty engine that is the American sputters considerably as workers focus their attention on college basketball. Eat your heart out, Euro soccer fan. Many of you are participating in pools, at the office or elsewhere. Haven't you learned by now that the people who follow college basketball all year never win this thing. The winner is always the person who uses some offbeat system like "I like the way the team's name sounds" or "I like their mascot better." Abandon hope all ye "experts." Meanwhile, Slate examines the most-hated teams in the tournament. Slate also trots out several reruns to trick you into thinking the online magazine cares about the tournament.

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Hail dear 'ole State! Fight for that victory today. Hit that line and tote that ball, Cross the goal before you fall! And then we'll yell, yell, yell, yell! For dear 'ole State we'll yell like H-E-L-L! Fight for Mis-sis-sip-pi State, Win that game today!


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