Goodbye Larry? | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

Goodbye Larry?

Bulldog Nation is squabbling over an attempt by two members of the State College Board, both MSU alums, to oust MSU athletics director Larry Templeton. The one-year contract extension appears to Doctor S to be the kiss of death for Templeton, especially since his arch-enemy Scott Ross will be leading "review" of the MSU athletics program. What kind of person is Ross? He sheds his skin once a year. To hear what they're saying, check out any of the MSU message boards, especially the infamous (and often hilarious) Six Pack Speak Which is where Doctor S found these new words that have joined the MSU fans' lexicon:

sherrilled: To give up at your duties at your present employer (throw in the towel at work).
"I just suck at this job. To hell with it. I'm sherrilled.

cristilized: To wear out your welcome or have extensive years put in at your current employer (pushing retirement-type years w/the same employer). "I've worked here for ages. I've cristilized at this job."

templetoned: To get terminated from your employer (suck at your job and be told so & axed). "I sucked at that job. they knew it, so they templetoned my ass."

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