Political Knick-Knacks | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

Political Knick-Knacks

T-Shirts for Men—Girlie or Otherwise
Just about everyone at this point has heard of the Governator's off-color remarks concerning Sacramento Democratic legislators—but just in case you want to be a billboard, you can endorse either side in cotton. http://www.sacramentogirliemen.com started it all with their t-shirts—if you're a Democrat they suggest you sing it loud and sing it proud with a smart blue girlie-man shirt—they even donate 20 percent of the $24 price tag to California's Democratic Party.

Not to be undone, "Kaleforneah" Republicans fired back with (what else?) underpants. dontbeagirlieman.com offers the aforementioned boxers along with an entire line of "don't be a girlieman" garb and a unique "don't be a girlieman" mug. So if you're looking to spend $20 on a mug (and have 25 percent of that donated to the GOP) check out the Republican alternative.

The Joker's Wild Playing Cards
Some have called Greg Palast a genius, some have called him a slanderous demagogue, but no matter what, everyone seems to have something passionate to say about the man. Much like Michael Moore, Palast has toed a jagged line between investigative reporting and political rabble-rousing—he was key in uncovering the Florida 2000 "felons purge" and one of the first to claim evidence of a Bush family connection with the Saudis—and he's funny, too. His follow-up to his controversial book "The Best Democracy Money Can Buy" is a searing indictment of the GOP on every level featuring original research, commentary and full-page illustrations by Robert Grossman. It's also a poker deck. "The Joker's Wild: Dubya's Trick Deck" is available at http://www.gregpalast.com for a $25 donation to his investigative fund. The conservative response can be found for $9 at http://www.newtscards.com, but, unfortunately, the drop in price is mirrored by a drop in quality. More propagandic than investigative, the deck is titled "Fifty-two reasons to re-elect George Bush."

Bush Slips – Kerry Flips
Everyone's heard about them, compared them around the water cooler, sent chain e-mail after chain e-mail after chain e-mail to each other about them, maybe even discovered a few of their own tuning into a national address. They're called "Bushisms," a word so frequently used these days it might as well be in the traditional lexicon. And you can own a collection of the president's twists-and-turns-of-tongue simply by logging on to dubya-dubya-dubya.amazon.com (the first three letters sounded out for you phonetically). Most of the collections are priced at approximately $10.

But if you fall on the other side of the political spectrum—and still have a sense of humor about this whole politics thing—you can check out the store at http://www.kerryflips.com and purchase yourself some stylish, Kerry-themed flip-flops or tees. They offer a $24.70 shirt-shoes combo sure to delight any snickering Grand Old Partier.

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