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Stinker Quote of the Week: 'Can't'

Stamps is correct in that rules must be followed to prevent chaos during government meetings. However, in recent weeks, community activist Enoch Sanders addressed the council at least twice to …

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Stinker Quote of the Week: 'Today'

Thigpen is either so gung-ho about pushing the "school choice" agenda that he'd look past the residual racism still alive in the state, or he's just naive.


Full Funding Would Give All Schools a ‘Choice’

It can be hard to determine the motives of those who push for "school choice." After all, it can be difficult to distill what proponents of school choice, a movement …

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Sweet Quote of the Week: 'Responsibility'

In a society that increasingly shifts too much of the accountability for kids off on institutions—schools and jails, to name two—it's easy to forget our individual responsibilities to youth.

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Stinker Quote of the Week: 'Racist'

It's clear that it's Idris Elba's skin tone that is giving Rush Limbaugh the hives. Go figure.


Resolve to Have Clean 2015 Elections

2014 raised awareness about the way elections have been run in this state since time immemorial and the need for that to change.

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Stinker Quote of the Week: 'Winning'

The logical assumption is that Gov. Bryant hasn't spent a lot of time around people in poverty considering that he and his fellow Republicans can only seem to come up …


Lawmakers: Don’t Waste Time on Gay-Marriage Ban

Though it's not clear what the Legislature can do to ensure that same-sex marriage will remain banned in the state, lawmakers will probably try to this session—if for no other …

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Stinker Quote of the Week: 'Change'

The way Snowden and the Republican leadership are trying to ram the alternative amendment through, it's clear that they're opposed to adequate school funding, no matter what the constitution says …


City Needs A Stronger Customer-Relations Framework

After eight months in office, Mayor Tony Yarber points to his office's listening tours, which travel around the city and give citizens an opportunity to air their grievances, as one …

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Awesome Quote of the Week: 'Opportunity'

Surprise, sur-freaking-prise that Jeff Good, one of the city's most unwavering cheerleaders and all-around nicest dudes, would have the line that best captures the spirit of the Best of Jackson.


Keep Lifting Up the Dialogue in Jackson

In the last week or so, Jackson Free Press editors have been participating in encouraging conversations on social media and the Nextdoor neighborhood sites, and in the office, about preventing …


Dads Are Great, But Don’t Ignore Moms

Most problematic—and indeed dangerous—is the underlying implication that the mere presence of adult testosterone is some kind of magic wand that can solve all problems.

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Stinker Quote of the Week: 'Chained'

No, we don't keep women chained to stoves down here in Mississippi—but we do plenty else that's harmful.


Don’t Politicize Special-Needs Education

Recent legislative deliberations, which come in the context of a larger debate over Mississippi's education crisis, have a whiff of election-year pandering in the same way politicians try to churn …


Mississippi Needs Election Investigation, Real Reform

The McDaniel campaign's determination to stay the course on possible election violations is oddly refreshing to us because it opens up a dialogue on how elections should actually be run.

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Stinker Quote of the Week: 'Everything'

The jury is still out on whether All Citizens for Mississippi, which Crudup helped start, is in compliance with all relevant federal election and campaign laws.


Don’t Miss Chance to Fix PAC Problem

The Jackson Free Press doesn't often say, "we told you so," even if we did. But after the news cycle of the last week, in which unreported PAC activity in …

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Stinker Quote of the Week: 'Race-Baiting'

We're unsure if Tyner is confusing the Cochran campaign with himself, since he recently told reporters that Democrats who voted in the Republican runoff—the ones the Cochran campaign engaged to …


Help Children, Don’t Attack Them

The situation at the U.S.-Mexico border, where thousands of Central American children are being detained, is grave.
