Sex Trafficking | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS

Sex Trafficking

A compendium of stories highlighting the issue of sex trafficking in Mississippi.


Just Average Girls

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Becoming a victim of sex trafficking can happen to those from "good" homes just as easily as it does to those from "bad" or poor circumstances. The crime cuts across all facets of society, excluding no one regardless of gender, age, race or economic status, said Heather Wagner, director of the domestic-violence office in the Mississippi attorney general's office.

City & County

Sex Trafficking: The Portable Crime

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Sex traffickers frequently move girls around.

City & County

Sex Trafficking: It’s Not About Sex

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Heather Wagner, assistant attorney general in charge of the domestic violence unit in the state attorney general's office, says it's unclear just how big the sex trafficking problem is in the state.

City & County

Sex Trafficking: A Local Problem

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Trading lives for money, sex, work or drugs—those are just a few of the ways people get used. The money can be huge—for those in control of other lives.

City & County

Sex Trafficking: What Now?

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During the last legislative session, Mississippi lawmakers sharpened the teeth of the state's laws addressing human trafficking.


Tackling Human Trafficking in Mississippi

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Trafficking of human beings--for sex or for labor--affects everyday people we all might encounter.